Provider - YouTube TV

Please use this thread to discuss experiences and channel availability for YouTube TV.

Current Status: Moderate support for TVE, including many major channels.

Select your provider here Channels Support - TV Everywhere Availability to see what channels might be available with Channels DVR TVE

NOTE: that if you have 2FA enabled on your Google account, you will not be able to use it with Channels DVR. You can create a secondary family account login and use that instead: Create & manage a shared YouTube TV membership, or family group - YouTube TV Help

NOTE: If you have Channels DVR running on the NVidia SHIELD, then YouTube TV login is not supported.

TIP: For best results, before adding your YouTube TV account to Channels DVR, first visit and login there to authorize TVE access.

TallTxn provided a link to the YouTube TV Help site showing what TVE channels are available in this post.


Amad finally got everything set up and working great! I think this is a Game Changer, have wanted something like this for some time! Thanks!!!!

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Can you post a screenshot of your channel listing?


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Set it up tonight, found 99 channels, although I noticed during the scan it said there could be up to nearly 150. It's very cool, years ago I thought this is what Apple needed to do. A single interface that could integrate antenna and OTT, as well as DVR. I did have a couple of channels that looked like duplicates or something odd, and could not be tuned. Found this in the log, hopefully it will help you figure it out:

2019/07/25 22:11:54 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-YouTubeTV ch6206 FS-RSN-FSOH5A: TVE: unimplemented channel
2019/07/25 22:12:13 [ERR] Could not start stream for TVE-YouTubeTV ch6207 FS-RSN-FSOPKY2: TVE: unimplemented channel

The only other thought is a general comment. I noticed when first tuning a channel, there were some instances where the channel appeared and played for a few seconds, and then froze for a bit, before resuming. After that, it seemed ok. This didn't happen every time. Perhaps it just needs to buffer a bit more before starting initial playback?

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So...with this feature...what is the actual feed source? Are we going to get full 60fps on channels like ESPN?


The TVE feeds come from the network websites, i.e. Yes the ESPN feed is 60fps.

I’m getting chrome auth_timed_out error on YoutubeTV. I removed 2FA from my account and I still cannot authenticate.

Please help me

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I got it working now.

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A post was split to a new topic: Recordings starting late

Is the Nvidia Shield issue a bug with YTTV login or will it never be allowed if my Channels DVR is on my Shield?

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YTTV is blocking logins from the SHIELD so we don't expect to be able to make that work.

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What did you do to fix this? I'm running into the same error, so curious if there's something I can try. Thanks!

If you're having problems please email [email protected] with a screenshot of the error and the logs from the Log tab.

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Worked after a couple of tries. Please try deleting cookies and new window.


Just noticed here today that Shield Experience v8 was released -

Does Philo work on the Shield for TVE where YouTube TV does not?

Does this change anything as far as YouTube TV logins being blocked?

Has anyone upgraded to this yet to determine compatibility / incompatibility with Channels in general concerning TVE experiences?

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Does this record 5.1 surround or only stereo audio?


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Thanks! This is in a Docker container so I'm working with headless Chrome. I've got an e-mail into Support as of last night, so I'm hopeful they can give me some advice.

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Whoa this is a game changer. I’ve been hoping YouTube tv would be supported as it was the service that was closest to what we have with traditional cable. I may seriously look at going internet only now.

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I followed your advise above, set up NBC account online and then added the youtube tv source. Works like a charm! It found 96 channels. My subscription is for 82 channels.
Also, I heard PBS would be avail soon!