Provider - YouTube TV

YTTV is very picky about logins and only works reliably on PC/Mac or in Docker. Many Intel based NAS also work, but since your NAS has an ARM chip it's being flagged and not letting you in.

I'm using Ubuntu to run the DVR server, not a NAS. I initially tried to setup on my Synology NAS but it told me ARM wasn't supported for TVE - so I converted a PC and got it running that way, now I'm only using the NAS as an iSCSI drive for dvr storage. Unfortunately still can't login. Any improvements to support proper Google login planned soon? Everything in one interface was a major selling point for me...

If you use the Docker install it might work better.

So I was able to get this working by installing Ubuntu GUI - then Chromium, then signing in to YTTV/Google. Once I had signed in, when I tried the sign in again within Channels again it worked.

I actually had 2FA enabled, and when I logged in to Channels/TVE I had to quickly approve the 2FA request (I have my phone set to just tap YES). While it verified access to the channels I had to approve it about 10 more times, but all appears to be working now!

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Cool. Note that the login expires every 30 days so 2fa is not recommended. You could create a new google account for the dvr and add it as a family account to your YTTV.

Getting Something went wrong errors - works fine on nbc and running dvr on unraid

Looks like YouTube tv is not working in unraid anymore

Works fine on windows

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I also cannot get YTTV to connect to Channels DVR in an Unraid docker. I'm considering ditching cable for YTTV and Philo. Channels would really help with the WAF. I'm in the trial periods for all 3 services, so I need help soon getting Channels in Unraid docker to work with YTTV. Anyone have any pointers? I'm not using a 2FA account and I can login via YTTV on the NBC site.

What error are you getting?

Log shows : action=auth_timed_out

Thanks for your prompt response.

There should be an error shown in the web UI where you're logging in. Email a screenshot to

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Do you mean in the window that pops up when trying to log in to YTTV? That window never shows an error. It just shows the below without changing or going back to the ChannelsDVR Web UI.

The icons just keep spinning.

Please email us the full Log. Also try updating the dvr with click-and-hold on the Check for Update button.

Receiving a Tuner Not Responding error on my Channels DVR app for NBC channels on Shield TV. If I try to play these channels in web player on Windows, I see this error: Error: TVE: get: 404 Not Found

Any advice?

Click and hold on the Check for Update button.

This problem with Channels running on UnRaid is still there. Is any fix being worked on?

Someone can correct me, but from the help i got it seems that youtube tv/google is blocking unraid from authorization so i don't think there is much that the devs can do - i'm running the dvr software in a windows vm on unraid now to get around this - not a great solution but there shouldn't be any way it will break in the future

I am working on improvements for YTTV login on unraid. Try updating to v2019.11.23.0244 and see if that fixes the issue. If not, please email us with the messages from the Log tab and a screenshot of the error.

The problem where the login would spin forever has been fixed. Some cases causing login failure have also been resolved.

I updated to v2019.11.23.0244 and still get the spinning arrows and "Verifying login..." message.

Email sent.

I've uploaded a new build v2019.11.26.0102 with a fix for the hanging issue.