PSA: Android TV apk works on Android

I tried to sideload the Android TV apk on my Android Pixel and found out that it works pretty well.

What works:
-Local DVR discovery
-Now Playing
-Channel Guide
-DVR playback
-Live TV playback
-Settings menu

What doesn’t work:
-Remote DVR login (no webpage running on :57000/auth)
-Playback controls (Pause, RW, FF)
-On-screen menus

Seeing how much of the Android TV app is working on regular Android I’m sure would just take a few simple tweaks to make it a fully functional Android App. Adding on-screen playback controls, Auto rotate / full screen and fixing the Remote DVR login is all I I found that it needs.

Edit: Moving to Hacks as this is unsupported by the developer. Use at your own risk.


Do you have a link to the App?

FYI as of 2.0.10 and above this is no longer working

We now have an official beta available: BETA: Channels for Android phones/tablets

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