Public IPTV list

Those IPTV lists from the OP contain a bunch of pirated channels so a forum admin may want to take this thread down...

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Maybe we should let github handle this?
I also wanted to apologize for being a slow learner and causing frustration. I just needed to get familiar with the lineup editor a bit more. :innocent:

I love the IPTV list. Sucks it's limited to 500 channels.

I use a modified version of iptv-filter to filter channels

a small patch is here
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I use @StreamOnABudget | Canada | #FreeTV Info: Free2View TV -- Free and Public TV without a subscription is here! and it includes guide data just make sure you set it to update like 3 hrs

For the record the C10K problem was solved in 1999 - C10k problem - Wikipedia

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So how do you use the patch? Tell me like a newbie!

$ git clone
$ cd iptv-filter
$ wget
$ patch -p1 < LvKf4Q66
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Thanks for the quick response. I wanted to run this on my Synology NAS. Managed ok until the patch command. Patch is not found on the system.


$ git apply --ignore-whitespace  LvKf4Q66

if you don't have patch

Please try to keep the trolling in here to a minimum. None of these decisions we've made are due to lack of skill.

All software engineering is about trade-offs. We've made trade-offs that the serve the majority of our customers and there are always going to be some people who have needs that are outside what we are targeting.


Thank you!

@eric not sure why are you taking this so personally? Are we allowed to provide feedback? The times are changing and more people are watching online. It would be nice if Channels allowed to do so comfortably. I, for example, watch Deutsche Welle online because the quality is better than my local SD broadcast. 1080p vs. 480i. EPG is coming from the local OTA which is a very nice feature of the product. Unless ATSC 3.0 is around the corner everywhere, some accommodations for online watching with copious amounts of channels will have to be made.

Have to be made? Have. To. Lol.


Of course, nobody is disputing that. What people often have an issue with is how the feedback is provided. I tend to believe that taking shots at the developers is less likely to get results than asking nicely. If you post with a combative or snarky tone, expect to get combative and snarky responses. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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You may feel differently about this if you were one of the many folks who broke their DVR servers with large M3U files when this feature came out. Very disruptive to those people, and took a lot of support time to get them back up and running as well.

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Just segment your play lists into 500channel chunks. When we had locast I played around with doing multiple regions and had 700 some odd channels ad split them into 2 groups. It was just a science project basically but the server handled everything well.

I guess it's a good way to check channel tuning time. But I'd hate having to surf that many channels to find something good to watch.

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Let's keep things positive in here.