Pull down to refresh for playlists

Loving all of the new new changes with playlists. That said, would it be possible to add pulldown to refresh? Currently, I need to go out of the playlist and come back in to refresh new entries.

There should never be a need to refresh anything in the app as it all updates live. If it isn't, then there's a bug.

As Playlists are still in active development, this makes sense.

Can you please describe the steps you take to see this bug? If I can reproduce it, I can fix it.

Essentially, I have a YouTube folder which is updated through the day with new videos. This folder is watched by Channels. When I go into the playlist associated with this folder all of the videos appear as expected, however as new videos arrive in the folder, they are not visible unless I back out of the playlist and go back in. I hope that makes sense…

I assume you exit the iOS app, it gets updated in your library, and then you open the app again, but the new items aren’t showing?

Is this what you mean?

Basically, I only see the playlist update if I back out of it and return to it. I don’t need to leave the app. If I instead go into the video section for the same folder, it will show new videos as they come in…

Please submit diagnostics from your Channels DVR Server web admin.


The only way I'm able to reproduce this is if:

  1. Navigate to playlist on iOS app
  2. Close the app
  3. New content added to library and playlist
  4. Open the app
  5. Playlist is not updated

This is a bigger core issue that will be tougher to solve.

But with any other scenario, the playlist is updated live.

  1. Navigate to playlist on iOS app
  2. New content added to library and playlist
  3. Playlist is updated live with the new items

Without more detail from your experience, I can not reproduce your issue so I can't really resolve it.

If you could provide more detailed steps in what you're doing, it would be helpful. Extreme specifics matter here.

I don't do this in a playlist but I too have a folder where videos get dropped in by another program. The video will appear whenever Channels figures out it needs to check for new content but I can force a scan using Olivetin. (OliveTin for Channels: An Interface for Misc Channels DVR Scripts & Tricks)
Once it forces a scan in ChannelsDVR using curl command like:

curl -XPUT 'http://my-dvr-ip:8089/dvr/scanner/scan'

then the new video shows up in the client immediately.

Yeah, this is pretty much exactly what I am experiencing. That said, would it not make sense to include a pull down to refresh option for instances such the first scenario?

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