Purchase process bombs

I cannot complete a transaction to purchase the DVR software:


The software powering this discussion forum encountered an unexpected problem. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Detailed information about the error was logged, and an automatic notification generated. We'll take a look at it.

No further action is necessary. However, if the error condition persists, you can provide additional detail, including steps to reproduce the error, by posting a discussion topic in the site's feedback category.

Sorry, this is due to the maintenance earlier. Will fix shortly.

Things should be back to normal now. Sorry again for the unpleasant experience.

Hi I have this same problem trying to renew my subscription right now...?

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Their website is working for me Channels — Channels Account

No idea why. I can get to that site with a new browser or incognito mode, but if I login with my credentials, it'll bomb...it's like my account is in some odd state where I have access to the forums but not to the account page.

While you're logged into this forum, try going to Subscription from your Preferences here.

What happens when you click on Subscription?

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Same “Oops” webpage!

Try a different browser, or from a different device.
If those don't work, one of the developers will need to check your account, since nobody else is complaining.

What is the url in the browser when it displays the Oops page?

Yeah tried other browsers and incognito…same result. Thx for attempting to help. I have an email in to support.

URL of oops page is Channels — Channels Account

I know this sounds dumb, but have you tried logging out and visiting the account page?

Also, consider deleting all website data for the getchannels.com domain in your browser settings.

Logging out and visiting account page (with a clean, totally new, or even incognito browser) works at first. Takes me to a login page, which you would expect. Then I login with my credentials. That redirects me to community.getchannels.com...oddly it doesn't log me in and take me to the account page. And then when I visit the account page (either through the forum link as @chDVRuser suggested or directly after being logged in), I get the same "Oops" page. Weird.

Whatever is going on, just figured I should make it public so anyone following behind me knows what happened.

Are you guys logging in with a username and password or by other means?

Try going directly to the login page here https://community.getchannels.com/dvr/login

@TheScott We found the issue and have deployed a fix. Please try it again and let us know if you have any more issues.

Thanks for reporting this.

Awesome thx @eric and all who assisted (and on a US holiday weekend no less). I can now login, and I updated my credit card info for this year's renewal. Hopefully it charges me soon and I get re-activate...that didn't seem to be immediate.