QNAP App - chrome failed to start No such file or directory

I am setting up Channels via the QNAP app. While attempting to setup TVE, I get this error message: chrome failed to start: [2083:2083:0117/133822.610763:FATAL:spawn_subprocess.cc(237)] posix_spawn /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/ChannelsDVR/channels-dvr/data/chromedp-chroot/lib/chrome_crashpad_handler: No such file or directory (2).

Any tips?

Did you install this Channels DVR QNAP package?
That's the link in the Download button here

Yes, I did.

Do other (non-TVE) sources work?
I don't use a QNAP, so someone using it with a TVE source or one of the developers will have to help.

Yes, both HD HomeRun and Pluto from NoCords work just fine. The developers directed me here.

The TVE feature works best on Intel processors.

I had it working just fine on my previous QNAP until it died.

Do your old and new QNAP have an Intel processor?

It's ARM-Cortex.

It seems as though Chrome will not update. Under Troubleshooting, I see this:

TV Everywhere
Chrome installation is corrupted. Please re-install Chrome.

Whenever I do the "Click here to upgrade Chrome," it goes through and looks like it updates, but does not.