Questions about the Betas/Releases

I found the release notes section and was scrolling (and scrolling) If only it was reverse sort order.. Anyway i saw a zillion entries (which is great) my question is how often do these get released as stable releases? Is there a schedule being followed (other than emergency stuff) Like monthly, weekly Quarterly etc? And are there beta releases as often as I was seeing release notes generated?

Im not sure if all the scrolling is because of my browser, but it took quite a long time, maybe 10 minutes to get to the current release notes.


Stable releases are made when they're ready. There is no timeline or release schedule.

You can drag the indicator showing where you are in the thread all the way to the bottom to quickly scroll.

You can get an idea of how often things to out as stable with the official release notes on our website: Channels — Release History

As for scrolling, the notes are published in those topics as they are added, and the sort is no different than any other topic thread on the community. So, latest is at the bottom. Once you catch up, you'll be taken to the first unread message every time.

And to get to the latest message quickly, click the bottom of the timeline.

I wish that were true, but per Maddox I won't need to do it again once I have finally got to the bottom.

You can also watch a thread and get an email whenever a new post is made. That way, you don't have to check regularly:


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