Random "loss of connection with tuner"

Hello I have experienced a list of connection with tuner on my wired home network several times over the past year. I have just submitted two logs from this morning and hope they might be able to help troubleshoot

Please let me know what other information you might need.

Thank you

I have also experienced this with an HDHomeRun Prime (cablecard) on comcast. Lost connection, press the guide and it comes right back. has happened with Channels DVR running on a QNAP NAS (TS-253A) and also a SER7 (miniPC - Ryzen 7840HS)

@gjcamp73: Please run the Resource Intensive Tests in the Troubleshooting and submit diagnostics again.

@JMN: I don't see any diagnostics from you recently.

I've seen this as well, impacts both Apple TV and Android clients. I've had to reboot my HDHomeRun Prime which seems to help. Next time I'll run the above troubleshooting.

I ran this log using Google's DNS servers.


After seeing the troubleshooting I changed to cloudfare IP4 and 6 as my DNS server. Here is the log for those "intensive test" results


For years I used Google's secondary DNS as my primary and primary as my secondary and not noticed any problems.

Not sure if this is helpful but I am going to bed with channels on and wake up to the error so I am not sure why it would try and re resolve a stream.

Never had the below issue using Google's DNS but with cloudfare I get this error when trying to tune into TBS on TVE. I use YTTV.

Thank you for your help! Please let me know anything else you need to troubleshoot.


Does it happen with the official HDHomeRun app?

Is tuner sharing on or off?

@gjcamp73 Confusingly, I can't find anything in your DVR diagnostic logs where anyone was trying to tune into channel 6033.

Logs have been submitted as 8389a839-0d96-4c27-9e2f-a94d7d9a96e5

Choppy while viewing live and recording

For me hd home run app is fine, tuner sharing is on

@masteryoda305 Please also submit diagnostics from the app after this is happening. Additionally please Re-Run the DVR diagnostics with Resource Intensive Tests and submit that.

706264d8-abd2-4a99-8f9c-3984e30d28a0 - resource intensive tests

had to switch off that client onto the HD home run app, trying a different one which is of course now fine.

The channel 6033 issue has cleared. The "loss of connection" in the original post has not occurred lately but I will continue to keep updating to the latest server package and will pull logs if it occurs again.

Thank you all for your continued support.

This happened to me again today

** e0323912-cd6b-4ded-a683-06618480d532 ** From the server, submitted two logs as well from clients

Again today. Send in via client and 1a93985d-38b2-4547-aafc-2bbd0ff2c739