Raspbian OS [ERR] in log

Hello, reloaded my Pi with Raspbian OS Lite. Channels DVR loaded fine.

Saw this error in the log:

[ERR] ULK response: 500 Internal Server Error

I'm recording two channels, one OTA and one TVE. those appear to still be running. What could this error mean?


ULK is Uplynk, a CDN used by several TVE networks. Basically it's saying there's something wrong with the server it's trying to get the stream from, not with Channels.

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Thanks @racameron. Everything is working so must have been a lost Internet packet. :wink: I don't recall seeing that error before, so did not know if it was my setup. I moved from the Channels Pi USB Image to Raspbian OS so I could load Argon Fan script and enable SSD TRIM(Moved from a HDD).
