Recording Database Reporting

The YouTubeTV price increase announced today gave me a thought...

I'd love to be able to query my recording database, to see how many of my recordings in the recent past have used a given source, or other pertinent info. This would allow me to evaluate things like "Could I live without a source?" much easier.

It's not exactly what you are asking for, but you can use the API to get pretty close.


I set it up to be a CSV file of only recordings:

Copying the link allowed me to open the file in Excel, where I could query off it more easily:

Using "channel" might be a close proxy to source, depending upon your setup. The only thing is that it's just going to give you currently available recordings. Anything that has been deleted is not included.

Yeah - that's actually the majority of what I'm looking for. I want to see trends over time. Thanks though.

You could always search the dvr log for [DVR] Recording for job
That will show which device was used to record from

2024/11/30 23:59:32.728223 [DVR] Recording for job 1733039970-199 from M3U-SamsungTVPlus ch10237 into "TV/Power & Tech/Power & Tech Matt Oehrlein 2024-11-30-2359.mpg" for 17m29.872626308s
2024/12/01 19:30:00.055606 [DVR] Recording for job 1733110200-ch6003 from TVE-Comcast_SSO ch6003 into "TV/Tracker/Tracker S02E08 The Night Movers 2024-12-01-1930.mpg" for 1h0m59.998677345s
2024/12/08 11:00:00.495619 [DVR] Recording for job 1733684400-98 from M3U-PBSbridge ch3706 into "TV/Behind the Scenes of Leonardo da Vinci With Ken Burns/Behind the Scenes of Leonardo da Vinci With Ken Burns 2024-11-29 2024-12-08-1100.mpg" for 1h29m59.998812374s

Either search the log file or use curl and grep to get it.
If you have OliveTin for Channels: An Interface for Misc Channels DVR Scripts & Tricks you can use its Generate filtered Channels DVR log

Only as old as the log though. The db has better info, and will last longer

The log should go back to when you installed CDVR.
If you access it via http you have to give a parameter for how many lines to display.
The default is the last 5000 lines.

Thanks! Didn't realize this survived server moves. This might work, albeit haphazardly.