Recording in-progress program

I am seeing the same issue with the latest beta

Do you see a DVR tab in the app? Does the DVR web page work on your computer?

I see the dvr tab…it works on computer…I am maninly referring to programs in progress…if the program hasn’t start yet record works every time…

I don’t understand what you mean. If you click on a future program in the Guide, nothing happens?

Did you try on the Settings tab of the app, click and hold HDHR and click Refresh

When I click on future programs in the guide I can record every time. If I click on the guide after the program has already started I see no way to record the program… it works just fine in the web interface, but not on the channels app on Apple TV

To record a program which has already started, either:

  • click and hold on the Guide or On Now tab

  • swipe down while watching and click the Record button