Recordings completed four days ago still show Recording

The file json's weren't updated with Completed and Processed

Logs have been submitted as c04b27f0-0c65-4920-a2b8-ae0e0f9252ed

Another one tonight from same source and channel. 9pm recording finished but shows recording.
May have something to do with the fact I added a m3u custom channel with stationid to get gracenote guide data for this channel. I just changed my passes to use the gracenote series id instead of title contains.

Huh? Queues the job for recording 6 seconds after it started recording.

2024/07/06 21:00:00.004898 [DVR] Starting job 1720324800-202 Extraordinary Humans on ch=[10237]
2024/07/06 21:00:01.495112 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-SamsungTVPlus for ch10237 InWonder
2024/07/06 21:00:01.541980 [DVR] Recording for job 1720324800-202 from M3U-SamsungTVPlus ch10237 into "TV/Extraordinary Humans/Extraordinary Humans Tim Cridland 2024-07-06-2100.mpg" for 30m59.994925309s
2024/07/06 21:00:02.099040 [IDX] Generating video index for job 1720324800-202
2024/07/06 21:00:06.252808 [DVR]   queued recording job for EP025422230022 @ Sat Jul 6 9:00:00PM on ch=[12001] (1720324800-202)

2024/07/06 21:00:00.004898 [DVR] Starting job 1720324800-202 Extraordinary Humans on ch=[10237]
2024/07/06 21:00:01.495112 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-SamsungTVPlus for ch10237 InWonder
2024/07/06 21:00:01.541980 [DVR] Recording for job 1720324800-202 from M3U-SamsungTVPlus ch10237 into "TV/Extraordinary Humans/Extraordinary Humans Tim Cridland 2024-07-06-2100.mpg" for 30m59.994925309s
2024/07/06 21:00:02.099040 [IDX] Generating video index for job 1720324800-202
2024/07/06 21:00:02.932846 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-SamsungTVPlus in 433ms
2024/07/06 21:00:03.478626 [DVR] Indexed 54 airings into XMLTV-SamsungTVPlus (8 channels over 7h30m28s) + 4 skipped [422ms index]
2024/07/06 21:00:03.521484 [DVR]   pruned 6 replaced airings in 42ms.
2024/07/06 21:00:05.303941 [IDX] Pruned 1 expired groups from XMLTV-SamsungTVPlus in 2ms.
2024/07/06 21:00:06.208967 [DVR] Rule 'Extraordinary Humans' (202) found 4 new airings
2024/07/06 21:00:06.252808 [DVR]   queued recording job for EP025422230022 @ Sat Jul 6 9:00:00PM on ch=[12001] (1720324800-202)
2024/07/06 21:00:06.344518 [DVR]   queued recording job for Extraordinary Humans /Ron White @ Sat Jul 6 9:30:00PM on ch=[10237] (1720326600-202)
2024/07/06 21:00:06.377773 [DVR]   queued recording job for Extraordinary Humans /Igor Zaripov @ Sat Jul 6 10:00:00PM on ch=[10237] (1720328400-202)
2024/07/06 21:00:06.411139 [DVR]   queued recording job for EP025422230009 @ Sat Jul 6 10:30:00PM on ch=[12001] (1720330200-202)
2024/07/06 21:31:18.125313 [SNR] Buffer statistics for "TV/Extraordinary Humans/Extraordinary Humans Tim Cridland 2024-07-06-2100.mpg": buf=0% drop=0%
2024/07/06 21:31:18.125393 [SNR] Streaming statistics for "TV/Extraordinary Humans/Extraordinary Humans Tim Cridland 2024-07-06-2100.mpg": timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0
2024/07/06 21:31:18.170709 [MTS] Statistics for "TV/Extraordinary Humans/Extraordinary Humans Tim Cridland 2024-07-06-2100.mpg": discontinuity_detected=3 transport_errors=0 saw_pcr=true saw_pmt=true highest_pts=1890.504000
2024/07/06 21:31:18.194105 [DVR] Finished job 1720324800-202 Extraordinary Humans

Logs have been submitted as 8bfa4f8c-c9ea-479a-b884-2c393d4a3c91

I think the cause is I have two channel numbers pointing to the same Samsung+ channel.
One uses the Samsung+ guide data, the other is a custom m3u using gracenote guide data.

#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="stationId129477" tvc-guide-stationid=129477,InWonder

Channels DVR sees the same episode as different series and program id's on the two channels.

What I'm using as a workaround for now are two Samsung+ sources.
First one uses the playlist and the XMLTV guide data and has the InWonder channel disabled.

Second one uses the same playlist, but no XLMTV guide data, has all channels disabled, except for InWonder, and I overrode the guide mapping for that channel.

Would be nice if Channels DVR allowed overriding individual channel guide mapping for sources that use an XMLTV guide source. That would also allow Frndly TV to use a single source, instead of two.

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This was causing the issue