Recordings corrupted after setting second dvr path

I copied all recordings of one type of show to a second disk drive, set the new drive as a second DVR path and deleted the original recordings on the drive. The recordings still exist in the database.

Now when I access any of these recordings I get "Recording Corrupt (-17)".

Any thoughts?

Thank you in advance for your help,

Check the dvr log

Don't see any entry in the log.

There are a number of entries for missing files because I initially had the path configured incorrectly, but nothing after that was corrected.

Does Channels DVR have read permissions to the recording directories and files in the new location?

Yes, it's a WIndows system and Everone has Read/Write permission.

One thing I should note is that it is a removable USB drive.

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Another note - I just launched a few recordings in the Library section of the Channels Server console and and the played perfectly.

It seems they only fail when using a client, which for me is the FireStick App.

If the client can't play ANY recordings, that's a new issue.
If the client only has problems playing the recordings you have moved but they play from the DVR web UI you should submit diagnostics from the client device.

It's only an issue with some of the files that I moved. I had thought that it was all of them.

Those that fail in the client also fail in the server console, and they also fail when using Media Player.

It's 7 seasons of Star Trek and all of season 7 files are corrupt and I swear that I have watched those in the past. Strange that it's all of the final season but other seasons are ok..

Anyway, I'm guessing the software is ok but would like to know how the files were corrupted.

Thanks for your help,

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If the ones you copied, then deleted, are still in the recycle bin you could restore one to see if maybe the original recording was corrupted, or it happened during the copy you did.

They are too large to recycle.

Good thought though.

Obviously a defective USB Drive.
Started by formatting the USB drive.
Copied 170 recordings, about 270 GB, all looked good.
Deleted original recordings
Set up second DVR source path
Found recordings to be corrupted.
Wanted to start recording again, so changed the folder on new drive from TV to TV2 to ensure these recordings would not be affected when I deleted and recreated the pass.
Checked contents of TV2 and it was empty. Checked stats on drive and it showed 271G consumed but only one file - the TV2 folder.
Ran ChkDsk /f and it found corruption and produced 2 files, one 271G and one 0.
So, garbage drive and all is lost!