Recordings starting at XX:01

Is this the guide data? I have noticed a few recordings that are starting a little late.


Scandal on ABC is scheduled to start at 9:01PM and record for 59 minutes.
Quantico on ABC is scheduled to start at 10:01PM and record for 59 minutes

Those are the only 2 that I see that are scheduled to record for right now. Just thought I would pass this along.

That’s what the guide data says, and it should be accurate.

I’ll just pad it extra I guess. The recordings are starting after the show has already started.

Are you saying it started at 9:00 even though the guide data says 9:01?

No it is starting at 9:01. But that is not the correct time it should. The show started at 9:00. When my wife hit play to watch her show she missed the first portion of it because the show had already started.

I'm pretty sure Scandal starts at 9:01 tonight, and is only 59min. I see the same thing on

Does the DVR computer sync with NTP?

Probably not a function of time clock…

I think this is a “trick” of the broadcast(er), as they seem to enjoy mixing two sequential shows in the last minute of one and next minute of another. Especially on ABC’s TGIT.

Under these circumstances, the only way to ensure complete capture is via padding.

Maybe it is the affiliates in certain areas then. I would think they all should follow the same schedule, but maybe there are some remote rural areas of the country where they don’t follow the guide.

But the guide data works perfectly for me. My recordings all start and end nearly perfectly. On the few occasions where it is not exact, it is usually just off by a couple seconds. The only time it is off more than this is when live broadcasts run long, in which case the end will be cut off if padding is not added. But, with the exception of live airings, I do think that trusting the guide data is the best way to use this DVR for most users. It results in the most accurate recordings. And I think it is quite impressive that I select a recording to watch and it instantly begins playing without any commercials or credits from the previous show. Too bad this doesn’t work for some people, you are kind of missing out on the great precision that this software has. It could possibly be an inaccurate time on the server. Or maybe it is the hard disks that are on some kind of energy saving setting and taking too long to spin up? Or, possibly, the DVR didn’t see any available tuners at the beginning of the show due to live viewing or other recordings.

I’ve run into this one… happened earlier tonight:

2017/04/26 19:00:00 [DVR] Starting job 1493258400-7 We Bare Bears on ch=[766 54]
2017/04/26 19:00:11 [TNR] Opened connection to 131649B6 for ch766
2017/04/26 19:00:11 [DVR] Recording for job 1493258400-7 from 131649B6 ch766 into "TV/We Bare Bears/2017-04-26-1900 We Bare Bears 2017-04-26 S03E11 Lucys Brother.mpg" for 14m48.598254796s

As you can see there was a 11 second delay between the job start and the connection to the tuner, because the disk was really slow to spin-up.

This particular issue will be fixed in the next build of the DVR (by buffering the recording in RAM while the disk is waking up).