Recordings starting late

Absolutely love this BUT all my programs are starting about 30 seconds late! Not a deal killer but wondering if there is a fix?

We are aware of some issues with recordings starting and ending too late/early.

The best workaround for now is to edit your Series Pass to add start and end padding.

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I think its about 45sec to 1min late, consistently, for most TVE channels. I think it is due to some post-processing done on the stream before it is sent over the internet. I have found that a 1 minute end padding set on any TVE pass / recording, works well to get the whole show. It would work even better if there was a way to delay the start so that skipping forward is not necessary right at the beginning. Maybe add a negative padding option, so that the recording can start slightly late (which is actually on-time for TVE)?

i'm having this happen right now, perhaps because i'm also encoding video with handbrake on the same machine. would that cause these issues? i even have everything set to add a 3 minute padding, and yet the recordings are still starting 1-3 minutes after the actual start time of the show.

Check the Log from the time of the recording

i have. it shows it starting late. i don't have the exact log right now because i just moved the server to a different machine last night and it hasn't recorded anything yet, but the log clearly showed one of my recordings last night starting at 1 after the hour when i had it set for a 3 minute padding.

Please paste the log messages here

next time i see it i will, unless there's a way for me to get the old logs even though i moved it to a different machine...