Recordings stop, back up, record again

For several days now I have been having problems with recordings. Recordings start with a chunk of video and audio, then back up a few seconds and record the same video again, carry-on for a few seconds, then back up and record again. What comes out is a herky-jerky mess. Does anyone have any ideas what is causing this? Mac Catalina on 2019 iMac, plenty of RAM (40GB).

Submit diagnostics and email support so we can check the logs

Logs sent. (DVR Diagnostic Log 047763fb-6866-4834-abb9-db90ae9263c6)

Can you click Check for Update > Prerelease and resubmit.

Are the recordings which are affected from TVE or OTA?

What is one example recording recently where this happened?

I just downloaded the prerelease.

Not sure if it's both TVE and OTA, as my antenna is damaged, but it's definitely TVE.

Example: Young Rock, from yesterday. Recording should have been 30 minutes, ended up 53 minutes.

I did notice something strange in my menubar: I had two instances of the server running at the same time (or at least I had two Channels icons in the menubar).

Can you open and paste this:

ps aux | grep channels

Then copy/paste the output back here.

jcrunch 21846 15.5 0.3 5250280 123488 ?? S 10:40AM 0:40.04 /Users/jcrunch/Library/Application Support/channels-dvr/latest/ffmpeg -hide_banner -nostats -loglevel warning -progress -fflags discardcorrupt+genpts -f mpegts -copyts -probesize 8000000 -i - -enc_time_base -1 -max_muxing_queue_size 4096 -muxdelay 0 -map 0:v:0? -map 0:a? -ignore_unknown -sn -c:v h264_videotoolbox -g:v 60 -force_key_frames:v source -profile:v high -level 4.2 -realtime 1 -allow_sw 1 -a53cc 0 -filter:v fastdeint=blend,scale=-2:min(ih,720):eval=frame -b:v 4000k -minrate 3600k -maxrate 4400k -bufsize 8000k -c:a aac -ac 2 -filter:a aresample=async=1 -f hls -hls_time 0.010000 -hls_list_size 360000 -hls_delete_threshold 1 -hls_flags temp_file+delete_segments -start_number 1 /Volumes/G-DRIVE with Thunderbolt/DVR/Streaming/ch6080-dANY-8196ad4bc171-057110249/encoder-1-341045507/stream.m3u8
jcrunch 21786 0.4 0.3 6334860 107364 ?? S 10:35AM 0:09.49 /Users/jcrunch/Library/Application Support/channels-dvr/latest/channels-dvr
jcrunch 21872 0.0 0.0 4569056 1628 s000 UV+ 10:42AM 0:00.03 grep channels
jcrunch 21843 0.0 0.0 5124192 19688 ?? S 10:40AM 0:00.34 /Users/jcrunch/Library/Application Support/channels-dvr/latest/ffmpeg -hide_banner -nostats -loglevel warning -progress -fflags discardcorrupt+genpts -f mpegts -probesize 8000000 -i - -enc_time_base -1 -max_muxing_queue_size 4096 -muxdelay 0 -map 0:v:0? -map 0:a? -ignore_unknown -sn -c:v copy -c:a copy -f hls -hls_time 1.000000 -hls_list_size 3600 -hls_delete_threshold 1 -hls_flags temp_file+delete_segments -start_number 1 /Volumes/G-DRIVE with Thunderbolt/DVR/Streaming/ch6080-dANY-8196ad4bc171-057110249/remux/stream.m3u8

Just FYI--I was playing a TVE channel as I ran the grep, and it looked fine.