Recordings tab out of sync with what's actually recording

Running the latest channels beta client on ATV with the 8/18 DVR release, new in-progress recordings are not showing up in the recordings sidebar. They will show up after some period of time but I don't know what triggers it, if I don't want to wait I have to kill and restart the client to see the current status. If I try to go into either the schedule or the guide and watch the recording the client doesn't think that it's recording, it plays back as if it was a live show with the option to record. It actually caused me to incorrectly cancel a recording today that was recording on the DVR because the client was out of sync.
This is new, haven't seen this before.

Also having the same old bug with schedule where the schedule sidebar is not being updated to reflect what's current, it shows old stuff as it has before. Have a feeling that these are related.

Needs way more details.

Is the app active when the recording starts and does not appear in your Recordings list?

Or is the app inactive (or your device asleep) and you open the app and do not see updated information in these sections?

When reporting these kinds of issues, these details matter. Providing a way to reproduce the issue would also be helpful, and also help you provide more details in how your system is being used when you’re seeing these kinds of issues.

The app is definitely active, I'm switching between different sports recordings that I'm watching. I'm a big sports fan and on the weekends will watch multiple recordings during the day without the app closing.

From what I've seen this issue only happens when the app is active, both recordings and schedule.

Ok great. I think I have an idea of what’s happening here.

Thanks Jon, I know you'll get a fix. From what I've seen it's always on the in-progress stuff for recordings. Not sure why schedule is not refreshing to current, I thought that was fixed before. It does catch up eventually but not in real time and I think this may be the same problem with recordings.

I think (not sure) that when any recording finishes that the recordings bar gets updated to current. This may be the same issue for schedule, not exactly sure.

After experiencing this, please submit diagnostics from your app.

Just submitted diagnostics, scheduled three new shows to record at noon and only one of them shows up in the client while all are in progress. The other two are recording in the DVR status.

I scheduled all three of them from the client and they do show up in schedule. If you click on them in schedule you can watch them from there, but the client thinks they are not recordings and treats them as live shows. So you can't watch from beginning etc.

Have to bounce the client to be able to watch the missing recordings.

Please be more detailed with this. Are you clicking them from the schedule in web, or client.

When you try to watch them from the client, in this case, is this from the guide?

Please please please be very specific about each action you're describing and include if it's web or client and what section of the app you are doing it in, and exactly how you're taking the action (button, menu, etc).

There are unlimited ways to "watch a recording" in the client app and where you're doing it from is very important.

In all of these posts I'm talking about using the ATV client, nothing in web. The only thing I use web for is to check the DVR status to see if the recordings are being made, and they are.

The client is active the entire time this issue happens, when I say I click on them from schedule I mean I go to the schedule sidebar in the menu to pull up the schedule and then I can see them in the schedule and click on them individually. But the client thinks that the ones that are missing in the recordings sidebar are live, not recordings, when you click the watch button from there. What's weird is that the stop recording and adjust options buttons are in that screen when you click on a show from the schedule. But when you actually watch the show it goes to the current time position and will not allow you to rewind because it thinks it's showing it to you live as if you clicked on it from the guide.

If the ATV goes to screensaver and sleeps the app, when I hit the remote to wake up the client it immediately refreshes the recordings bar to current.

If you like I can capture screenshots with my phone and post them when this happens. I'm watching an event now but when it's over I'll schedule another three recordings and post the shots.

Do you actually mean the "Schedule" section? The section that lists upcoming airings scheduled to record.

Or do you mean "Guide". The grid based guide of airings on all of your channels.

Screenshots are going to be needed here. I'm not sure what you mean by the nouns you are using.

I don't know what you mean by "recordings bar".

Please take screenshots and label them as your steps. or just take a video and upload it to:

Okay uploaded the vid, let me know if you need more. I scheduled all these from the grid guide in the client. Only the first show in that video (Tamron Hall) works correctly when you try to play it in the client from the schedule. And it's the only one in the guide that appears red to show it's recording, the other two are yellow. But as you see in the vid none of them appear in recordings. If you bounce the client or let it go to sleep and wake up they all show up in recordings.

Can you submit diagnostics again?


Yeah, that video just isn't enough. This video is equivalent to a screenshot. You're just showing what's broken.

Please start your app from scratch and record the ENTIRE steps to reproduce your issue. I can not reproduce the problems you're describing.

@GTFan: Are you running any sort of Firewall or Anti Virus software on your DVR machine? We're seeing something weird going on with the connectivity from the client to your DVR that we haven't seen before.

Could you update to the latest DVR pre-release and then submit diagnostics again from the Apple TV app?

I'm just running the standard windows 11 firewall and defender software, nothing else added.

I upgraded the DVR to latest pre-release and just submitted diagnostics from the client.

I'm a retired Linux network/middleware dev, tell me what you're seeing.

We just noticed that the build you were running was a bad build that had an issue that was resolved in a subsequent update:

Looking at your logs, it looks like that the update resolved the issue for you. Let us know if you run into any other issues.

Okay thanks! Was that a stable release? If not then I'll have to lay off of updating to pre-releases, got me in trouble this time.

No, it wasn't stable. It just so happened you hit a specific pre-release that happened to have a bug. It's unusual that it happens, but it can happen from time to time.