In all of these posts I'm talking about using the ATV client, nothing in web. The only thing I use web for is to check the DVR status to see if the recordings are being made, and they are.
The client is active the entire time this issue happens, when I say I click on them from schedule I mean I go to the schedule sidebar in the menu to pull up the schedule and then I can see them in the schedule and click on them individually. But the client thinks that the ones that are missing in the recordings sidebar are live, not recordings, when you click the watch button from there. What's weird is that the stop recording and adjust options buttons are in that screen when you click on a show from the schedule. But when you actually watch the show it goes to the current time position and will not allow you to rewind because it thinks it's showing it to you live as if you clicked on it from the guide.
If the ATV goes to screensaver and sleeps the app, when I hit the remote to wake up the client it immediately refreshes the recordings bar to current.
If you like I can capture screenshots with my phone and post them when this happens. I'm watching an event now but when it's over I'll schedule another three recordings and post the shots.