Redetect commercials in iOS app?

Is it possible to redetect commercials from the iOS app? I have only found it buried in the web app. It would be convenient if it was under the “More” menu for an episode.

No, management like this is done from the web admin.

@maddox Just curious - Wouldn't Verify Commercials and Refresh Metadata be considered management as well? But they are on this screen? I have found there are certain shows which seem to consistently get commercials wrong the first time, but if I redirect commercials later it is more accurate. It would be handy to have a quicker/easier way to perform that function.

There’s no good reason that indexing commercials a second time would be any more accurate than the first time. It’s doing the exact same thing. A second run isn’t informed by the first run.

I would suggest opening a separate topic about this.

There are only two reasons why redetecting commercials would result in a difference.

  1. When recorded, the commercials were detected using the new Smart detection
  2. You enabled Start live detection when watching in-progress recording

I can't even find a setting for the new Smart detection. I looked all over, including under Experimental. And I'm on 2023.11.11.x. But I do have Start live detection enabled. And it is very possibly that I have only seen this issue while watching something that is recording. So are we saying live detection does not work very well?

There is no setting to turn it on/off. It's automatic for some TVE and m3u channels.

I don't use it and don't recall anyone saying it worked well.

No, live detection is not great, and never has been. The heuristics that Comskip uses to better classify commercials usually need full passes of the content; live content does not allow for that. To make matters worse, broadcasters employ tactics—tickers, letterboxing, etc.—which make commercial detection harder for completed recordings, and more-so for in progress content.

If you use it and find it works for you, great. But, I think you're in a minority.