Redetect Commercials - Same result as initial scan?

I'm noticing that Redetect Commercials doesn't actually change which segments are detected in a given recording. Ultimately, I have to manually review the video and modify the .edl file myself. Is this the intended result?

Unless you changed the INI for your redectect it will be the same.

Interesting. I wasn't aware editing the .ini was an option. I suspect this is because I am using the Synology DSM package version of Channels DVR.

You can click Edit Commercials instead of messing with the EDL

Thanks for the response. In this instance, I have a specific show where individual segments, typically the first and last segments, often contain both portions of commercials and the target show. The Edit Commercials option doesn't help in this case. I was hoping the Re-detect Commercials option would help clean up such discrepancies.

Do Synology package users have the ability to tweak the Comskip INI file on a per-Pass basis?

No, the current implementation is all-or-nothing. If you supply a custom comskip.ini it will be used for detection; if not, the default is used.

I suppose you could try replacing the comskip.ini in the Logs/comskip/fileID/, and then rerunning the detection; in that case comskip may pick up the new settings and use those for the second run.

Don't think that will work unless they've changed the behavior.
That comskip.ini in the Logs/comskip/fileID/ is a copy of the default one.
If you create an override comskip.ini, Channels DVR will no longer provide that copy you're talking about.

But, you could grab that default one and use it as a template for your custom override comskip.ini you place in the Channels DVR data directory.

P.S. comskip will never be 100% and with Channels DVR you cannot use per channel/pass. I've found it close enough that I have it generate a Project file for my Video Editor for those recordings I want to archive. Otherwise if I'm just watching and deleting, I use the Channels web UI client to view and skip when necessary.

By default, yes. I was posting the idea that when you rerun comskip, does it copy the default or custom INI anew, or does it use the existing one from its work directory?

I suppose a quick way to check would be to keep it the same, but modify an existing file to use more threads, rerun the detection, and then see if it's using more threads or just the default 1.

It will never use the copy in Logs/comskip/fileID/
It will either use its default, or the override you place in the data directory.
If you place an override comskip.ini in its data directory, it no longer copies any comskip.ini to Logs/comskip/fileID/

Just wanted to say speaking from experience. Have you tried it?

Although it would be nice to have real-time comskip, or comskip per Network/Channel/Pass, I don't see that happening any time soon.

I played around with the comskip.ini and spent way too much time with little results. I'm sure @tmm1 has been there and done that.

I think what's included in Channels DVR is as close as you can get to a balance as each Network/Show is different and they sometimes pull tricks on you like putting adverts in a PiP window with the network logo still showing. It would be a never ending cat & mouse game. Probably much worse than the one with TVE now.

No, not yet. I was going to give it a try this weekend, but my but next 2 days are busy with work here.

For more info on using a custom comskip.ini file you can search the forum for comskip.ini until a Support Article is written.
Here are a few example starters.