RedZone No Longer Showing Up in Vidgo Scanned Channels

I appreciate that FS1, FS2, and BTN added and fixed for Vidgo users, but I noticed this morning that the RedZone no longer shows up in the list of scanned channels. Before FS1, FS2, and BTN were added and fixed, RedZone at least showed up on the list but this morning it's gone.

Can we please get it added back so once it starts broadcasting we can go into 'Edit' and do a rescan so we get logged in?

If you click Edit it should be on the list.

On 2020.10.24.1720, RedZone shows in the Edit view:

I did a Scan while in 'Edit' and now it is showing up.

But it isn't showing up in the Channels guide. All week it was there sayin it was off air. When I look at the list of TVE channels, RedZone (6182) isn't there.

It will only show up if there is a checkmark next to it inside the Edit menu.

I'll wait again and rescan it in 'Edit' once they start broadcasting to see if it shows up. It was there before (used it last week) so I was surprised it is missing this week.

It's missing if you clicked Rescan All during the week when redzone isn't airing.

Went into 'Edit' and did a rescan of the channel so now it is checked and showing in the guide.

Thanks for the help