Yes you are correct with using End-to-End. Forgot to put that step in my example as I did run that.
I think the issue I'm running into is when I toggle the Watched/unwatched for All Episodes (at the top) it is marking all past and future episodes as watched (even ones that have not aired yet). My assumption was that the Recent Release feature would untoggle the recent episodes so they could be processed but it is looking like that is not the case.
That is not a correct assumption. "Watched/Unwatched" status is its own standalone function. If it already exists on the list for future airings, then you can set that status even beforehand and that is saved. If the episode is not on the list and gets added at some later point, it comes in as "Unwatched".
Hi. I'm struggling with SLM for Amazon Prime in the UK.
If I search for a show (any show - I've tried numerous) with the default country setting of "GB", the stream links generated only show....
If I change the country to "US" for the search, the full stream link is created, like this (same show)...
(Note: I turned off any stream link mapping to ensure it was picking up the raw link)
As a work around, I used the "US" version and used stream link mapping to make the link UK friendly. Now this works for some shows (which must have the same gti, regardless of country), but it doesn't work for some others, which I assume is because that show has a different gti for the UK Amazon version.
I updated to the latest version of SLM this week but it's the first time I've imported shows from Amazon Prime, so I don't know if this is an issue that has been introduced in the new version, or was always there, or if it's an issue with JustWatch not liking the UK versions. I also tried a couple of other countries when searching and I could only get the US version to produce the full stream link.
Other streaming services in the UK (e.g. Apple TV+, Netflix) seem to work OK.
Anyone have any ideas?
Edit: I missed this other topic in my initial search..
So it's the same issue and the partial workaround I fathomed is the same as the solution given in this topic. However the other part for shows that don't work remains.
I did some digging in Justwatch and extracted from the UK and US links. These are two examples of shows. The first has the same gti for US & UK and works fine. The second has different gti in the UK to the US so doesn't play.
Just started using Channels DVR and I was looking for a way to "consolidate" shows. StreamLink seems perfect but I'm a little lost with how to use them. A couple of requests:
Can someone give me an example for a HBO Max show? (eg. Beat Bobby Flay). The documentation gives the format as shown below but I can't figure out what urn is and how to get the episode reference. I want to try a few manually to see how they work before I get into using the automated process.
I read up on Stream Link/File Manager and watched the video (most of it) but was a bit overwhelmed. My Channels DVR server is a WD MyCloudEX2Ultra (4TB NAS) and we are a Mac household. I don't use docker. Is that the only way to get it working on a Mac? I don't think I can get docker on the NAS, Any suggestions/guidance would be really appreciated.
In this case, it looks like it is the highlighted item, at least as far as base creation of links, as it was only looking for instead of amazon. anything. This will be fixed in the next release:
Although I'm still not sure if this is 100% right, so you might have to play around a bit there, but this will at least get you the correct base link part.
Thank you @babsonnexus. I've got the base link bit for the stream link mapping working fine on the shows with common gtis. I find I get it to work best on the Apple TV for me if I replace with
SLM will work on Mac through the 4 Docker paths or the Python self-build path. For the latter, there are even specific directions on the repo for building your own MacOS app. For instance:
Further, SLM will also work in Linux environments on both of those paths or potentially the Linux install (hit or miss, too many possibilities).
Honestly, Docker Desktop is not difficult to install (just a regular installation program), and from there it is just a copy & paste job following the directions on the repo. Many, many Mac users are doing exactly this and can provide guidance. You can also get help here and the links to the Docker community posted within there:
There is almost no chance that I'll be building out a MacOS app any time in the near future unless someone wants to buy me a Mac to use
I'm not a fan of Plex's interface, but I recently set up Plex Media Server in order to share some old home videos, with my Roku-using mom across the country. And that's when I noticed that PMS was also indexing the slm sub-directory that Stream Link Manager created and manages for Channels DVR. This was inserting titles into Plex's catalog, that the Plex client couldn't actually play.
In case anyone else faces a similar issue, I just wanted to share a solution that worked for me, at least until Plex supports Stream Links and Stream Files properly too (?)
After some trial and error, here's what ultimately worked. I created a text file called .plexignore (very important, this file must NOT include the.txt suffix) and saved it in the slm sub-directory. The content of this text file is as follows:
# Ignore every file in this directory
Then, when I removed and re-added the Imports/Movies folder as a new Movie library, PMS's scan did, in fact, ignore the contents of the slm sub-directory entirely this time around. Problem solved!
I'm surprised Plex was picking up those files at all! Since my lifetime pass is collecting dust, I don't even have a PMS to test on anymore.
That said, I believe when I last did have it up, I remember that you could go into options after setting up a library and add additional folders. That way, you could get more granular from the beginning. For instance, instead of selecting the parent \Imports directory or the \Imports\TV and \Imports\Movies ones, you could create a subfolder under each like SLM does and just have Plex point to those instead. I actually have some legacy folder structure to this day because of similar considerations and trying to make Plex and Channels play nice.
It only picked up the .strm files, not the Stream Links, for what it’s worth, but they’re all in the same subdirectory so I just told Plex to ignore all contents inside, and that took care of it.
I explored some creative approaches to maintain both platforms concurrently but in the end decided to only allow Plex to read from my Channels DVR movies library, not write or delete anything, really. It’s not recording anything, its sole purpose is to make it easy to occasionally share individually imported movies, with family across the country who only have Roku devices. I prefer Channels DVR for everything else, for hundreds of other reasons, of course
These links do not produce recordings. They produce a link that will launch the app on Android and Apple TV devices. When the app loads, you can provide the payment or permission.
I am using a Fire TV with ChannelsDVR on NAS. One link for a movie showed up in "Movies" collection, from a Pluto TV link (on demand). But I created a link for "The Color Purple" which is in Amazon Prime ($3.99) but it does not show up as an option in Movies.
I installed SLM a couple days ago. My setup is: Channels DVR running on a mini pc under Linux, SLM running on a Windows 11 pc. I used the Windows instructions for the install and things seemed to work as expected. I keyed the URL and Port# into Chrome and was overjoyed to see SLM pop up in the browser. I played around with it for a couple hours and have to say "really fun and amazing". Next day I fired up the Windows pc, and tried to bring up SLM but no luck. I was getting a page saying,"This site can't be reached, Unexpectedly closed the connection". ERR_Connection_Closed. Lost of suggestions to remedy the problem were provided. I've tried all of them that were pertinent, no luck. Would love to hear your ideas)
What did you actually do, specifically? Can't help without real info.
Also, I don't mean to be facetious, but have you reboot your computer? SLM only works if it is running in the background and you can see it in Task Manager. Can you? Your error indicates that it is not up. Did you run the Startup directions?
Even if it is, the other problem could be related to port if you have anything else running on it. Did you do the port settings part of the installation instructions?