@babsonnexus Having a weird issue. My setup is I have a standalone linux Channels server @ My Linux Docker server is @ and has a couple of Channels servers, Frndly, ESPN+, etc.
I do have a "shim" interface that allows a loopback so that containers can communicate to the host (put in place for macvlan containers but works for all networking in docker).
When I setup SLM Playlists I have to use the internal IP of the Channels server (docker container) when communicating with slm. This works fine, slm picks up the m3u with no issue.
The problem:
When I look at the slm generated m3u, it contains the internal private docker IP's
The issue is that my main Channels server ( cannot talk to ( So I changed the playlist IP for the Docker Channels server in slm to With my "shim" in place it should be fine except... The docker channels server is throwing a 403 error because of the networking change in Channels a while back.
[DEBUG | 2024-11-02 19:12:11,893] - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[DEBUG | 2024-11-02 19:12:11,896] - "GET /devices/M3U-BBC/channels.m3u?format=ts HTTP/11" 403 707
So I'm kind of in a rock and a hard place. I dont know if this is possible but if there was a way to override the source address in the slm generated m3u it would allow this to work.
In the example below if there were an override field in the playlist manager, I would substitute for Then when my main channels server tunes to the m3u it will be able to communicate with the source.
#EXTINF:-1 tvc-guide-title="BBC Four" channel-id="plm_0003" tvg-id="9002" tvg-name="BBC4" tvg-logo="https://tmsimg.fancybits.co/assets/s20684_ll_h15_ab.png?w=360&h=270" tvg-chno="10003" channel-number="10003" tvg-description="No description available..." tvc-guide-description="No description available..." group-title="HD" tvc-guide-stationid="20684" tvc-guide-art="" tvc-guide-tags="" tvc-guide-genres="" tvc-guide-categories="" tvc-guide-placeholders="" tvc-stream-vcodec="" tvc-stream-acodec="",BBC Four