[RELEASE] Stream Link/File Manager for Channels [Streaming Library Manager Extension]

Unfortunately that didn't work for me.

Ah OK, thank you for the clarification. :slightly_smiling_face:

You need to click on the local environment first, and then you'll see the Networks option.

lol - I am so new at this! Thanks for your patience.

No worries. should have worked as that's the gateway address of your bridge network. I'd try restarting the slm container first, and then try the actual IP address in slm settings, followed by the internal gateway address. Something is not working as it should here...

EDIT: You may want to change your Channels DVR container to use host networking so that it's discoverable on your network by CDVR clients, don't you? If so, let me know, and I'll walk you through that change.

EDIT2: Does your Unraid server have Intel Quick Sync (i.e. a modern Intel GPU)? If so, we should enable that too.

I restarted the container and that didn't change anything. Still not working. Not too big of a deal right now as it only affects being able to update channels from within the slm UI. I just just update from the channel dvr UI.

Regarding the host networking thing. I was noticing that when I installed the container and saw the option to choose bridge vs host and got a bit confused as to which one to select. The way it's set up now I don't seem to have any issues using the channels app on my Apple TV, iPad, iPhone or MacBook.

RE: Edit2: No, I have an AMD processor.

If you look at your SLM stack, do you have the path set correctly based on the changes we made to your Channels DVR container? Specifically your CHANNELS_FOLDER value? You'd want that set to /mnt/user/dvr or /mnt/user/whatever based on the directory name you used for your CDVR data.

Oh, that's a good point. I didn't do anything with that. Having a look now.

Actually, it looks like I did make some of those changes. At least the streamlinks are going into the correct folders to be picked up and seen by the Channels DVR.

I took a screenshot:

That's the Channels stack, I'm asking about the SLM stack -- assuming you're managing it through Portainer of course.

OMG! It's really late. I should probably go to sleep! lol

Let's try that again:

It might be if I add a mapping functionality like for SLM, but before going down that path, I'm curious about something. It looks like you are using Channels as an intermediary for some other m3u source? Have you tried putting the m3u source directly into PLM? This is what I discussed here:

Just to clarify, you have Channels and SLM installed on the same machine? And both are installed using Docker, meaning they are in different containers? And none of the following have worked for your Channels URL:

  • :question: Channels local DNS (i.e., [MACHINE_NAME].local)
  • :question: Channels remote DNS (i.e., [SOME_CODE].u.channelsdvr.net)
  • :x: Channels local IP Address
  • :x: Docker internal IP Address
  • :x: Docker host name
  • :question: localhost in general

Yes, all are on the same machine and use both installed with Docker (Portainer). Those addresses had not worked, however, @bnhf has been guiding me through some steps to fix and changing the host section fixed it. It's now connecting fine.

Which version did you end up getting to work?

I only tried the direct IP version:

Do you want me to try the others and see if they work just as a test?

I have to use specific dns servers for those Channels servers so i cant use the m3u source directly. But... Even if I use other sources directly I have the same issue.

I did think of a workaround, i can put all of my docker vms on my macvlan which gives them valid ips on the local network. That will work for me but macvlan is only available for Linux. If someone has my same use case where docker is on a seperate server than their Channels server, they will have the same issue.

That's okay, I was just curious and wanted info for future reference if anyone else if facing similar issues.

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Still sounds pretty edge-case to me, but I'll put it in as a request for now:

v2024.11.05.1648 has been released as stable. Here are the highlights for SLM:

MODIFIED: {SLM} Stream Link/Files: End-to-End Process can now be run in cycles of 8, 12, and 24 (default) hours

You can now choose to have the SLM end-to-end process run up to 3 times per day. It will default during initialization to the current once per day.



Everything else was PLM related, so check over there for that: