[RELEASE] Stream Link/File Manager for Channels [Streaming Library Manager Extension]

v2024.10.29.1540 has been released as stable. Here are some highlights:

NEW: Ability to filter out already bookmarked programs from search results, including setting for default choice

You can now by default and override during search have the ability to hide anything you've already bookmarked from search and new & updated results:

This option is off by default, so you must update in Settings

NEW: 'Bookmark Action' function for specific activities related to bookmarked programs.

Notably, this includes:

  • NEW: 'Bookmark Action' function for specific activities related to bookmarked programs.
  • NEW: 'Disable Get New Episodes' in 'Bookmark Action' makes it so a show no longer searches for new episodes during related processes
  • NEW: 'Hide' in 'Bookmark Action' removes all bookmarks status records (i.e., episodes, movie stream link) and hides the bookmarked program from lists and related activities
  • NEW: Changing 'Bookmark Action' from 'Hide' to a valid value will rebuild bookmark statuses (i.e., episode, movie watched status)

NEW: Ability to 'hide' a program during search so that it does not appear again (filtered out), unless edited to allow

To go along with this, there is additionally:

  • MODIFIED: 'Modify Programs' area does not list 'hidden' bookmarks, but has a button to show/edit if desired
  • MODIFIED: Can now edit bookmark items (i.e., 'Title', 'Release Year', 'Bookmark Action') when adding a program, the same as when modifying

MODIFIED: Made 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons floating over episodes in 'Add Programs' and 'Modify Programs'

The Save, Cancel, etc... buttons are now floating!

MODIFIED: 'Files' area has been redesigned for selecting files from a dropdown

Files area is now flexible and much better looking:

General bug fixes and quality of life improvements
  • FIXED: Modal box (Please wait while processing...) was malformed on Add Programs and Run Processes, and did not exist on 'Modify Programs'

  • MODIFIED: Stream Link Mappings function to ensure save and add can only happen when they are supposed to, handle for no mappings remaining after delete

  • MODIFIED: Minor adjustment for finding country during 'Initialization' process

  • MODIFIED: References for 'End-to-End' Process now specifically include 'Stream Links/Files' in order to not confuse with any other current or future processes

  • MODIFIED: Scheduler processes in order to run multiple activities at the same time

  • MODIFIED: Made update rows function more generic

  • FIXED: Rare issue for 'New & Updated' programs where the offer icon was missing, resulting in a crash

  • NEW: Added ability to decompress '.gz' files

  • UPDATED: Home page, header, and other areas to reflect expanded functionality beyond Stream Links, including temporary SLM logo

  • PREP: Upcoming rebrand

I think that's about it... Oh, wait, I almost forgot one other small thing!


I am having trouble getting slm to see my correct channels folder. I think the path should be /mnt/user/channels_data. But no matter what I do in the settings section in slm I can't get that path to work. I can't see it when I try to navigate there and I can't input it manually.

I have channels installed via docker on Unraid. I installed slm via olivetin, all also on the same Unraid device.

I am very new to Unraid, docker and all that. So, I am sure I am missing something somewhere and hoping that you can point out what I am doing incorrectly perhaps in my setup. I hope I gave enough information but I realize I may even be missing a correct explanation on my setup.

I have it installed and running. My problem is you added so many features and abilities in this I don't know how to fully use this yet. Do you have a video demo for the beta?
Even the concept of what you are doing here was beyond me, until I dug a little deeper.

Thanks in advanced. Great work!

There are three videos on the main project page: GitHub - babsonnexus/stream-link-manager-for-channels: Effortlessly manage all your streaming Movies, TV Shows, and Stations (BETA) in one place with this custom add-on for Channels DVR

My error. I assumed github was not updated with the beta information.
That's what assuming will get you.


A new release is available. Most of the items are PLM related, so the details are over in that thread. However, the general items (GEN) also impact SLM, although it's mostly cosmetic. Check out the details here:

I always try to update the GitHub with all the latest info, especially new functionality. Be sure to check the Troubleshooting / FAQ section as I have updated that for some PLM items, as well.

That's not how Docker works; you can't see the local files and folders, you only map them to a location within the container. This is discussed on the repo:

Also covered above:

1 Like

Thanks for your reply.

So, I now think I may have something setup incorrectly in my Channels installation then. I went into settings in slm and I added the path as shown above. However, channels still isn't seeing the created stream links. But, what I noticed is that while slm does create folders and puts that stream links in that path, my channels path that it created when I installed it doesn't actually use that path for it's own imports directory. It puts all that data in a path that is /mnt/user/channels_data.

I am now thinking I setup that path when I installed channels in the first place and perhaps that is what is incorrect. I do recall thinking something was odd when I installed channels initially.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Please help with Stream Links Manager

@babsonnexus Having a weird issue. My setup is I have a standalone linux Channels server @ My Linux Docker server is @ and has a couple of Channels servers, Frndly, ESPN+, etc.

I do have a "shim" interface that allows a loopback so that containers can communicate to the host (put in place for macvlan containers but works for all networking in docker).

When I setup SLM Playlists I have to use the internal IP of the Channels server (docker container) when communicating with slm. This works fine, slm picks up the m3u with no issue.

The problem:
When I look at the slm generated m3u, it contains the internal private docker IP's


The issue is that my main Channels server ( cannot talk to ( So I changed the playlist IP for the Docker Channels server in slm to With my "shim" in place it should be fine except... The docker channels server is throwing a 403 error because of the networking change in Channels a while back.

[DEBUG | 2024-11-02 19:12:11,893] - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
[DEBUG | 2024-11-02 19:12:11,896] - "GET /devices/M3U-BBC/channels.m3u?format=ts HTTP/11" 403 707

So I'm kind of in a rock and a hard place. I dont know if this is possible but if there was a way to override the source address in the slm generated m3u it would allow this to work.

In the example below if there were an override field in the playlist manager, I would substitute for Then when my main channels server tunes to the m3u it will be able to communicate with the source.

#EXTINF:-1 tvc-guide-title="BBC Four" channel-id="plm_0003" tvg-id="9002" tvg-name="BBC4" tvg-logo="https://tmsimg.fancybits.co/assets/s20684_ll_h15_ab.png?w=360&h=270" tvg-chno="10003" channel-number="10003" tvg-description="No description available..." tvc-guide-description="No description available..." group-title="HD" tvc-guide-stationid="20684" tvc-guide-art="" tvc-guide-tags="" tvc-guide-genres="" tvc-guide-categories="" tvc-guide-placeholders="" tvc-stream-vcodec="" tvc-stream-acodec="",BBC Four

Ok, so finally got most everything figured out between figuring out how to install and use Olivetin (what a freaking life saver that is!) and with the help of @bnhf, I have the dvr setup correctly and now slm can easily use the correct folders for the streamlink files.

Now, a new odd issue popped up that I haven't had before. For some reason, slm won't use the channels dvr URL anymore. It was using it fine earlier today when I would test it but it suddenly isn't working.

Here is a screenshot from slm web UI:

That is the correct URL for my server and was working earlier at that same address as I mentioned above.

Anything else I can provide that may help you tell me what I am doing wrong?

See if the Docker internal gateway works for you, which should be

Unfortunately that didn't work either.

Could you post a screenshot of your Portainer-Networks page? It should look something like this:

@jasonmcroy I had issues with the address too and this is what worked for me:

Hmmm..., I can't find a network tab anywhere. Here is a screenshot of my UI:

host.docker.internal is primarily a WIndows thing, and is the hostname version of the IP address I'm trying to figure out for @jasonmcroy. Not to say it couldn't be set in a specialized environment like Unraid, but it's not typical.

Unfortunately that didn't work for me.

Ah OK, thank you for the clarification. :slightly_smiling_face:

You need to click on the local environment first, and then you'll see the Networks option.