[RELEASE] Stream Link Manager for Channels

Just noticed a typo:



That looks great. I will PM you my info.

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Hehehe, thanks for proving why I need testers and other sets of eyes!

FYI, now fixed!

Not a problem, it happens to the best of us. :wink:

A big part of my job during the week is to do code and document reviews. When I really focus on a review, I can find small details. Not to say I notice everything but I'm trained to look for these kind of things. It's second nature to me now. :grin:

Anyway, this project looks great and I am looking forward to helping with testing it. :smiley:

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I am very interested in this. However, I am in no way a Dev or very knowledgeable with Python/Bash stuff, etc. I can pretty easily follows directions on what to do to set something like this up, but not sure how difficult that would be in my case.

Is it pretty easy to do with some directions? Just don't want to waste your time if I should just wait but interested in this becoming a thing.

In no way would a tester like you be a waste of time! My goal is that you shouldn't need to know anything about coding, just how to double click a file. Please PM me with the answers to the above so I can make sure I have your info when I'm ready to release to the group. Before then, I'll be posting a demo video, too. I definitely need non-techie eyes to make sure the interface and navigation makes sense.


:+1:t3: Thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far for alpha testing! We have a pretty decent mix of systems, services, and skills. Since I'll want to keep this test small and varied, I'm going to be a bit more discerning about adding others if you happen to be coming across this later.

I've been doing some pretty tough tests myself, including converting all my movies and some TV shows. The program is working really well, so I've also been focused on more efficiencies and ease of use. Last time I mentioned batch/bash files, but have now moved to stand-alone executables (which caused so many issues to fix :dizzy_face:). As such, you shouldn't even need to install Python anymore!

Yes, there will be MacOS and Linux versions, as much of a pain as they are going to be for me create. :upside_down_face:

Now that I've done this, I'm still considering how to deal with updating. This might mean the return of the batch/bash scripts, or leaving it to users to manually download an update.


Watch the demo!

Alpha testing is underway, so the next update will be the Beta release.


Watching the video right now and excited to test on Mac when it’s ready! In the meantime I caught another small typo on the first screen when asking for country, it says “steaming service” instead of “streaming” :slight_smile:

just watched the video and looks great so far.
Looking forward to the graphical interface eventually but this is a nice start.

Just wanted to give a quick update after radio silence...

Alpha testing has been going well, ironing out a lot of the bumps and figuring out what works in many areas and edge cases. Per usual, not everything has gone according to plan, but excellent progress has been made. At this point, the backend code base seems stable and has been working as expected. As such, we're moving on to a new phase.

Spoiler Alert...

Beta build is underway!

This 100% self-contained version will have a full graphical web-based user interface and run as a background service on Windows, Linux, and Docker (sorry Mac, you have to use Docker).

I'm not going to give any timelines as it depends upon my own availability to finish the Beta build and do testing with the invite group, but I expect this to be available to all of you in the "soon-ish" future!


But I am too stupid for Docker!! That's why I use a Mac for goodness sake!


:laughing: Well, too be fair, you could also use the Python-direct version or the self app-build method, but I imagine both of those would be even more complicated than just using Docker! Thankfully, with things like Project One-Click, it's getting a bit easier to get stuff up and running in short order.


Neat!! That'll be nice to have as I could add shows remotely via webui instead of using the script from another computer to a network drive

This is a very exciting project. I’m sitting here cheering you on. I have to admit, I didn’t quite understand what it did at first, but I recently went and added a few movies and a couple shows to Channels via stream links, and then I remembered seeing this project. When I came back and read the info, the light bulb went off. Can’t wait to see it!

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The project looks good.
I'm excited to use the container with web interface etc.
Keep us posted.

Here's a little preview of what's to come:

Pics or it isn't real...


Beta testing is now underway! You can follow along and get a preview of everything in the new Github repo:

Please note that the Beta testing is still with a closed group and you will not find the program on the repo until production launch.