Reminder Feature

Can we get a reminder feature? So we can mark shows or movies.

More details would be helpful..

Where are you expecting to set the reminder? Where would you receive it?

We used to have a reminder on our iOS app, but barely anyone used it so we removed it. It's also not that easy to do push notifications and handle multiple devices for reminders.

Why do you need a reminder if you can just record things?

There is times you may not record something. Something you may want to watch live.

For instance a football game is on, but your busy doing multiple things or forget and you get a pop up with options to auto tune to the channel.

Maybe the Grammy awards, the New York Christmas tree....

That’s just a couple examples.

Under android it seems like you can have reminders kick off even if you’re in another app.

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Integration with the calendar would be better. That can also serve as reminder

Would love a reminder with auto-tune ability. Sometimes I know I'll be watching TV for the next few hours so I don't want to record it, just be reminded.


Can we discuss this again? For instance, we have something on pbs playing right now, but plan to watch the news on a different channel in 30 mins. I might zone out thinking about something, look up and bam, I missed the news. I don't want to record either one. To have it pop up a reminder, and autotune over if selected would be cool. Keep it client side, and the app has to be open, and playing for it to work. Maybe this will make the coding part easier?


I do like the idea for reminders, for similar reasons to those @AtoZ0to9 and @Mik3. But I definitely understand that smooth implementation would probably be harder than most people would think. One thing I can think of is determining where the reminders would be displayed (All devices, some? On apple TV you would need to be in the App to get a reminder but on mobiles you could get push notifications. So a bunch to consider).

I actually lean toward something I suggested back when Calendar View was implemented. To provide an iCal link to the recording schedule. Then people could subscribe to the .ics link from the calendar/reminder app of their choice on the devices of their choice and there would be less overhead for Channels. The only thing Channels would need to do would be the creation of an on-demand .ics file for the currently scheduled recording. This would still require setting a recording, but that isn't the worst thing.

The thing I miss when I had old school cable is this feature. I don't have any interest in recording sports games. I want to watch it live so I like to see this feature in use for Channels. It's tough to mess around with the api all the time and using scripts all the time to control Channels to get a game on. And I don't think it's worth it paying another 100 bucks to get a device that can do that. I would rather do it from the guide instead

Whose finger do you tie the ribbon around
How does it notify you
On what devices
How will you see it

Everyone has a different perspective. Hard to implement that. Think about it.

TiVo had a nice implementation, but it was a closed box system, unlike Channels DVR.

Yikes, that's a concern then if that's a roadblock. I guess I'll have to cope using some programs and reminders....or use the Kodi plugin, I guess

I'm working on an OliveTin Action to send reminders via apprise. This will work sending reminders to Channels clients, or anything else supported by apprise.

The trigger will be to create a recording for anything you want a reminder for, with padding of 10 seconds or 30 seconds added before. You'll define an interval that will be used to check for matching recording jobs, and also define the number of minutes in advance to send the reminder (I'm thinking 5 minutes and 10 minutes as options).

I'll push it later today or tomorrow.

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channels had a reminder feature before TVE came around circa 2015 - 2017 maybe when it was only for HDHomerun and maybe also when they integrated with SiliconDust illegal cable channels service they had. you could go into the guide, and set a reminder as to when the show starts. a pop up would display that the show is about to begin and it would change the channel.

I've asked a few times if they could bring it back, but like lots of things here, it gets ignored.

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This is why:

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@Jean0987654321 OK, so I've pushed an initial stab at creating a "reminder" feature for Channels DVR. Pull bnhf/olivetin:latest (aka bnhf/olivetin:2025.02.27). This works, as described above, by creating a recording and adding a padding of 10 or 30 seconds BEFORE any event you'd like to receive a reminder about.

With the OliveTin Action running, the "job" queue will be polled at the interval you specify and if any jobs have this very small padding added, an alert will be sent via apprise. Apprise supports over 100 different type of push, e-mail and sms notifications. So, for example, you could set things up to receive a push notification on your phone ~10 minutes prior to an airing:

This OliveTin Action supports one or more CDVR servers, and will remain active on an ongoing basis. The polling interval, padding key and apprise url are configurable. Let me know if you feel anything should be added or modified.


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I used it ALL. THE. TIME. @tmm1

Personally, I don’t need push notifications to every device. They way it worked was perfect on the client your currently watching. Especially on a tv where your app is always open and on.

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I'll try it out when I get home. This along with Team Pass would work nicely.

I got tuner sharing enabled and I already got the delete after watching script going so that my hard drive doesn't get big recording these things so...this is good. :rofl::joy:

I'm gonna use it on my discord as I got everything stacked over there nicely. This is gonna be good

Huh. The old feature was only available on iOS, where push notifications exist. How did you use it on your tv?

I’m going back almost 10 years now but I remember setting a reminder on tvOS and if I remember correctly, it would change the color of the cell in the guide that there was a reminder for a specific show.

While watching something else, a popup of some sort would appear reminding you of the reminder.

It only worked with channels open on the ATV, and that was fine. It never appeared on iOS outside of channels and I never cared and it was never an apple system notification, it only worked with the app open.

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Interesting. I don't remember either. I never used that feature.

Too bad TestFlight builds dont go back 10 years so we can check :grinning: