Remote Access Att Uverse Router

I have been trying to setup a remote access/port forwarding on my ATT Uverse (Pace PLC 5268AC), but it does not have UPNP/NATPMP. I have attached a screenshot of my router settings for clarification. I cannot connect to my Channels DVR using my iPhone and my LTE connection.

Also, I am using 10.13 on my Mac, and lately having issues where a computer reboot fails to start the Channels DVR application. I have to manually restart the application each time. Is there a way to add the application to login items? Just manually updated to 2017.10.11.0311

Hi, did you enable the Remote Access option at the bottom of the DVR settings web page?

Hmm, that’s weird. I’d recommend downloading the installer again and running it. It should notice the dvr is installed but the login item isn’t setup, and prompt you to set it up. Let me know what the installer says when you run it.

Your port-forward looks right… If you access your public ip address on port 8089, what does the browser say?


I did enable remote access in the DVR settings, but attempting access thru the public IP/8089 results in a “Safari cannot open page” error.
Trying to re-install the software only results in uninstall, stop DVR, or quit. I did check the Library/Launch Agents folder, and there is a channels DVR .plist script in there. Maybe that is what runs when a restart happens??

Yes that’s what is used. But maybe it didn’t get installed correctly.

Run the installer and select the “Stop DVR” option. That will remove the Launch Agent.

Then run the installer again and select “Start DVR”. That will reinstall the Launch Agent.

Were you accessing your IP over your home internet, or using cellular connection?

I read online that your particular router doesn't support "nas loopback", so the port forwarding doesn't work if you try to access it within your house. But it should work remotely.

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Were you accessing your IP over your home internet, or using cellular connection?

I read online that your particular router doesn't support "nas loopback", so the port forwarding doesn't work if you try to access it within your house. But it should work remotely.

[/details][/details]So I know I have access to my router, as I am able to get in using the public IP with the port number. My problem is, when trying to access the router using the links provided on my Channels DVR web page, it goes nowhere. Also, when I attempt to play a recorded show on my iPad, via the DVR page, I get playback errors. My access has been thru my ATT LTE connection on my iPhone and iPad, not my home network.
I have attached two screenshots one with the playback error, and the other is the attempt to access via the channels link on my DVR webpage.

For the first problem, try to disable and re-enable the Remote Access option on the DVR settings at the bottom.

For the playback issue… what version of iOS are you using?


Restarted the remote access, it opens the page, but now I get this error.

Forget last post, iPad connected to home WiFi. Connected to LTE and was able to get access

Try again in 10-15 minutes, it should work.