Remote Access No Longer Working


Remote access was working for me until I got a new PC/Server. I took my hard drive from the old machine (Channels Server installed and configured - Remote Access working) and installed it into my new machine. The IP and computer name remained the same but I can no longer access my Channels DVR remotely. Should I rename the new PC to something different or change the IP addresses? Maybe something messed up with the certificate since the machine Id is different? Any ideas? Please help. Thanks in advance.

  • Mike

Can you access your web admin via

You could try disabling and re-enabling Remote DVR in the Channels DVR settings. That section of the settings will also show you the IP it thinks it is on. Be sure that port 8089 is forwarded to that exact IP address.

Also make sure any firewall changes in Windows didn't change.

Thanks Jon! For some reason my port forwarding rule was erased from my router. I added it back and all is working now.