Remote Access trouble when using 1:1 NAT

What IP does resolve to?
Actually what domain that remaps to for you.

If you have enabled remote access, it resolves to your WAN IP (your home's external public IP).

I know that. The OP needs to set a firewall rule to route the client running channels through the other IP.

For those watching at home, this is bunch of posts about opening a port?

Using a tool could help - e.g.
Or just search for "is my port open"

This tells me 8089 is open on the 1:1 IP address. Yet, the app tells me the server can’t be reached. I can still use the web ui though.

Is there another port that needs to be open?

Did you try the firewall rule i suggested? On pfsense in a 1:1 you have to have the private address/port opened on the wan int.

Yes, the rule is in place allowing all traffic for 8089 to the internal IP, I removed the rule that had the public IP in it.

This is what I have there:

Edit: almost after fixing this rule - it’s worked reliably all day!

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