Remote Connection Authorization not being retained

Hi, I have been using Channels DVR remotely this week. I have noticed that my clients are having difficulty retaining authorization or connection to my server at home.
Nearly each and every time I launch Channels, no matter which client I am using, I have to go through the "Away From Home" routine. It used to be that once I had established remote authorization for each client, they all would work seamlessly for our entire stay away from home.
I'm not seeing any errors in the server log, and have submitted diagnostics from a couple clients.
All clients are running Android beta (5.24.1323) which seemed to be working well at home last week.


Well, after days of fighting with this connection, I may have finally resolved the problem. (I hope...)
I tried everything I could think of. I used different client devices, I logged in with the "away from home" option using regular remote access. I installed tailscale on my NAS and clients and tried logging in with the "at home" option. I stopped and restarted the DVR server. I changed routers where we are, I checked and rechecked router security and other settings...

What finally did it? I was able to remotely shut down and restart the NAS on which the server was running. Bingo! Even though everything else on the NAS was functioning correctly, there was some little bug fouling things up for the remote DVR service.

If I had been at home, rebooting the NAS would have been one of my first thoughts and very simple. Away from home, with everything seeming ok, I just didn't think to head in that direction. Fortunately, I had enabled the remote GUI to the NAS, which allowed me to restart it from our present location.

I hope that sharing my experience will help someone else who may come across the same problem. Remote access to all of your devices at home is critical to keeping things running smoothly.

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