Remote Creation of Series Pass

From another thread, @racameron said:
"So what you are saying is: What is the API endpoint for creating a pass, and what is the required JSON payload?

If you could, start a new thread, with your question clearly stated. That way, other users who have similar questions can easily find the discussion."

I will try to make this as clear as I can.

From a machine that is NOT the server, I want to send a JSON payload that will create a new series pass for a specified program that is already in the guide, but does not already exist as a series pass on the server.

What goes into the JSON package and what HTTP address do I send it to with CURL?


PUT /dvr/rules/new

In use, you might try:

DVR_IP=… curl -XPUT --data-binary '{"SeriesID":"123456"}' "http://${DVR_IP}:8089/dvr/rules/new"

Of course, you'll want to put your own server's IP address in there, as well as the actual SeriesID of the program you're setting a pass for.

Here's what I sent:

curl -XPUT --data-binary '{"SeriesID":"10409716"}' "http:/"

It appears to have done nothing.


Try This

curl "http:/" --data-binary '{"EQ":{"SeriesID":"10409716"},"Name":"NEW Test Pass#1"}'

And if you're running curl from Windows command line you need to quote the json payload with double quotes and escape inner quotes.

curl "http:/" --data-binary "{\"EQ\":{\"SeriesID\":\"10409716\"},\"Name\":\"NEW Test Pass#1\"}"

Yes, that works. It will take more programming effort than I anticipated to retrieve the Series ID number from my Schedules Direct data, but it looks possible. If you have any ideas on this I would appreciate it.

One more thing, is there a tag to indicate Scan/No-Scan for commercials? Is any of this stuff documented anywhere?

Thanks for all your help.


Not I.

Detect Commercials is a Show Setting. Once you have recorded something you can access it from the Recordings>Shows>ShowName gear dropdown

No documentation other than scattered over the forum in posts. You can discover some endpoints like this by examining the network inspector in your browser.