Lately, when streaming remotely using an Apple TV, the broadcasts will buffer frequently. Looking at the logs, I see tons of lines (with new ones being created) indicating:
2022/11/18 10:08:52.009677 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch2.1-dANY-80fcf5bff44e-1-h264-aac-copy--7488-256-720-0-0---false-false-0.01-0: [hls @ 0x2dbac180] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:0; previous: 15965317, current: 0; changing to 15965318. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.
OTA channel 2.1 in this case, but it happens with any channel, even TVE. Is this something I can fix on my end, or is a server update potentially required? Currently running version 2022.11.18.1439 of the server, and version 2022.0601.2221 of the OS.
I've had it occasionally buffer when streaming remotely before, but nothing as disruptive as this.