Remove erroneous error flags from recordings

Continuing the discussion from Channels DVR v2022.08.26.2245 Silently Failing to Record:

So I remember they're not in an error condition, I edited the metadata.
Are there any curl commands that will clear this up?

There's no way to remove interrupted flag. You can delete and reimport.

For the recording flag, I can put a fix in which should detect and process those. But it will only work if the failed jobs are still in the schedule.

They're Pluto sourced, if I import they become gracenote and will show as a different series.
And I've got a pass to record the same show this weekend from Paramount on cable.
Importing would stop that pass from recording since Channels DVR won't record show episodes that were imported.

Sounds good. But I've already deleted the errors in the schedule, so will not help me.

I guess I'll just move these out of Channels.