Remove OSD from Paused TV screen?

Hi, is it possible to remove the OSD from when I pause playback? Right now on the Windows viewer there is a large play-button icon right in the middle of the screen.
And on the Android viewer, there is a huge OSD at the bottom.

I like taking screenshots while watching sports. But don't want the OSD displayed.
Is it possible to make the OSD go away completely. Or maybe have it go away after five seconds (or whatever)?



On the android client you can turn it off all together. It will come up while scrubbing through. Go to settings >playback >seek options > show timeline to off

There is no Windows client. If you are using a web browser on Windows, then the UI is coming from your browser. If you have issues with what is displayed there, look into your browser's support forums.

IIRC, when the timeline/progress bar is displayed on Android, pressing UP on your remote will dismiss the timeline.

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Yeah I hate that timeline especially during sports. I really would like to disable altogether...

Did not know that thanks.... But it Still shows up every now and then wish we could just have an option to do away with it for good.

I love you. Pressing up on the remote makes the OSD go away just like you said!

Thanks. Didn't seem to work for me though? I'm on Shield Pro 4K if that makes a difference.
Running the latest OS.
I made those changes.

But still getting the OSD.

Those are under "Seek Options", meaning they apply when skipping forwards/backwards. Simply pausing is not considered a "seek" operation.

It’ll show up when it runs out of buffer. For example if you mash forward 20times it might come up (it doesn’t for me on my lan but I also have gen 3 nvme drive in the server) or when you’re remote transcoding it will pop up when it runs out of buffer

That’s what I use and no timeline. I would have to check to see if it comes up on pause. I thought it didn’t but I might be wrong. Is it coming up when you seek forward or back?

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