Rescan Channels in Spectrum not working

I've noticed that my rescan channels will not work with my spectrum source. This has been a problem for weeks. I just thought I screwed something up in my installation. But I have to remove Spectrum then re-add it to to force the initial scan. If I use the rescan button a quick window comes up that I can't read before it disappears. Then if I try to click anything else on the Spectrum drop down menu nothing happen. If I hit F5 to refresh the page, I can access the Spectrum source options again. But if I try to rescan again same problem occurs.

My log only shows:

2022/01/17 09:09:10.155979 [TVE] Channel scan starting for 0 channels on Spectrum
2022/01/17 09:09:10.155979 [TVE] Channel scan finished after 0s: 0/0 channels available


Individual channel scans work fine.

I started this report in response for another Spectrum issue, but now it appears to not just be me... And this isn't directly related to the issue in that thread. There is also another thread Most Channels Not Working & Won't Rescan (Spectrum) that is related to yesterdays Spectrum problems, bot not directly to this longer term issue of not being able to rescan everything, just individual.

Same exact situation for me.

Have you tried using the 'update password' putting in the original password then initiating a full channel scan?