Restart Server on Linux

Running the Channels server 2021.05.26.1807 on Debian Linux. Lightning fried both my HDHomeRun Quattro tuners. (Yes, the antenna was grounded. Yes, other stuff was done as should be - lighting attacked several TVs last night and I'm still quite frustrated!)

Got the new Flex 4k from Amazon (also HDHomeRun) and installed it. My Channels server still sees the two older and dead HDHomeRun devices. How do I restart Channels without having to reboot that entier server? I checked /etc/init.d/ and there's nothing in there for Channels and no restart control on the web interface.

I have no problem with the command line or using su to get access. I just would rather not have to reboot the server and interrupt other things to restart Channels.

Have you tried systemctl restart channels-dvr?

I keep forgetting to use that and not just /etc/init.d/xxxx restart. Thanks. Taking about 10 years off from Linux left me behind the times.

You could also use server/OS agnostic http PUT commands

curl -XPUT

Shutdown - The command will not return until a graceful shutdown has triggered
curl -XPUT