Restart Button on Server

Excellent point with the Super Bowl example. Of course my option still remains preferring to have it available, but maybe with the caveat warning message "Resetting will interrupt all current recording and live viewing. Do you wish to continue?"

This does actually bring up maybe a different feature topic that deserves its own separate posting concerning having hidden advanced options. Many of those software packages I mentioned in the OP do have options to show/hide the more super user type of stuff. But that is a different topic for another separate post.

If you can point to specific cases where a reboot was necessary to fix some issue, that would make a more convincing case.

18 posts were split to a new topic: Off Topic, or What's for Dinner

I thought there was a curl command to restart the server

Well just the other day when I added my HDHR Prime I couldn't get any of my live programs to show in any of my clients from any of my sources. I did a simple ChannelsDVR service restart and I was able to see my live programs again. I guess that's when I started thinking about the restart button.

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What about this, originally posted by @chDVRuser

Open up notepad, create a file called restart.bat and have only that command in it. Place it on your desktop or something.

Let me see if I understand your request:

  • You understand that the DVR server is a service managed by your OS's supervisor (whichever platform that is: Windows, Docker, Systemd, etc.)
  • You know how to use your system's tools to manage the service, including start/stop/restart
  • You don't want to use your system's uniform tools to manage the DVR service
  • You want a big "Restart" button because … ?

Does that about sum up the request?

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Well, truth be told in the situation I mentioned I really should have been a more helpful tester and I should have saved a log, and reported the issue. But I was kind of impatient to play with my new toy so I did the restart, cleared the problem, and went about my day. So that's bad on me.

I had to remove my vote I can see someone setting an advanced pass seeing the button and pressing it.

I like my checkbox.

Yes, and I also know how to download television shows manually, I can put them in folders manually, I can play them manually, remove commercials manually, and all sorts of other stuff I can do all by myself. This was a simple feature request and not an attack on the developers, software or anyone here personally. Just because I know how to restart the service doesn't mean I am lazy suggesting a button.


Why would you say the OP is lazy without knowing them ? It was just a request.


I apologize. You're right, that was rude.

However, to follow-up from Aman's question: if you have no problems restarting the service, what does a dedicated button within Channels' own interface achieve that can't be presently done? What is the real-world use case, because I don't see it.

Emby, Plex, and many other self hosted servers, Like Unifi, Home Bridge,urBackup...etc....ALL have a GUI based way to restart the server. It is pretty much a standard everywhere.

Do not see why such the battle of trying to prove why it is wanted/need, it should just be common sense and included.

In fact Channels DVR DOES have a reboot server option, and, gasp :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, a Shutdown option already....for those using the dedicated Raspberry Pi image. So, yea, i do not see why they would not have one in other builds. unless there is some hard technical limitation that prevents so.

The time and effort spent with such bickering, they could have just added it real fast.....but, i guess this will draw on for years, as did users request for a clock. :laughing: :yum:

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Since Y'all are on a roll...
Channels can implement it and add it to the comparison checklist with TiVo that doesn't have it.

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TiVo was declining from the moment they hit the market. They are an example of wasted opportunities, nothing more. Not a benchmark.

Seems like a very simple script you could write and place in your tool bar/desktop/menu bar to activate anytime you feel the need.

I rarely just restart the service except for when my launch agent script downloads the latest beta at 2am.

I do restart the Mac it runs on once a week just to clear caches and flush the RAM.

For TiVo users - I know there's a menu selection, but you have to go to TiVo Central > Settings & Messages > Help > Restart and confirm by pressing :-1: :-1: :-1: then Enter, so it's technically not a button.

Yes. Unfortunately, Channels DVR server running on the Shield after the v9/Android 11 update. The DVR server crashes all too frequently while the Shield itself and many apps keep running. A soft restart of the DVR server from an update takes about 5 sec vs. having to reboot the Shield. As a test, I have done an update/restart of the DVR server while recording a program and it immediately resumes the recording and appears to not miss a beat upon playback.

You can stop/start from the DVR Server app on the SHIELD too.

Does that actually fix the issue when the SHIELD becomes unresponsive? Because from what I've heard you need to reboot because the storage becomes disconnected. Restarting the DVR software won't help if that is the case. Other apps keep working because they don't use the storage.