Reverse order of episodes - oldest to newest

It's unclear what you mean by this.

Setting a library to "Recently Updated" isn't exactly something you can do. Can you describe in more detail what you mean, and using the proper names of settings, etc?

When I go I to TV Shows there is a bar at the top where you can set the sort (Alphabetical, Recently Updated, Recently Added, Newly Released) mine is set to Recently Updated.

Previous to the latest version the most recently updated/watched/recorded would be shown first and decreasing from there.

After the upgrade it is shown in reverse order where the oldest is now being shown first and increasing.

Watching a show or recording anything new gets put first but the rest of the shows still display in increasing order.

When I revert to the previous version, this behavior does not exist

Can you take a screen shot of what you're seeing. Nothing you're describing sounds like anywhere in the Channels app on Apple TV as the filters are not named that:

Additionally, Watched and Updated are completely different sort types, so when things were last watched, vs when they were last recorded or updated, are different.

Ahh well I'm using Android TV. Didn't realize this thread was in the Apple section. Just saw the recent post about sort order and reported the bug. Sorry for the extra confusion

Please open a new thread about that, in the proper category, thanks!