When I view a list of episodes for a show (“Recently Recorded”), it shows the newest to the left and the oldest to the right. How to reverse that (show oldest episode first)?
You can change how shows are sorted on the web admin. Go the page that shows all the recordings for a show and click the settings button and choose Watch Newest First
. This will change the way the episodes are sorted when you view them in Channels. It will also change the order that they show up as in Up Next.
This is very useful for shows that come on daily like late night talk shows, the news, etc.
There’s been plans to expose these settings directly in Channels, we’ll get to it eventually we promise!
Hmmm… That then makes the Up Next show play the newest show, right?
What I would like to see is both a) chronological order from left to right when showing all the shows (oldest to the left), and b) Up Next plays the oldest show.
I think I misunderstood. Does the “Watch Newest First” and “Watch Oldest First” apply only to the Up Next?
If so, that fine, but I am focusing now on the sort order when I see the entire episode list. When I view a specific show on my iPad and under the header there is a list of episodes, the newest one (the last episode) shows up first. I think I would want to see the oldest show at the top and the newest (last) at the bottom of the list.
Makes sense?
Yes, it applies to both. It essentially reverses the sort for that show.
When looking at a show in the app, it always displays the newest episodes first. There’s no way to change this currently.
Sorry, I totally screwed that up! Sorry for the confusion. It just changes Up Next ordering.
So, to be clear, the New/Old selection only applied to Up Next, no matter if using iOS app or TVOS app?
Okay, thanks for clarifying.
So, please add this as a feature request:
Ability to change order of episodes when viewing the entire recorded show.
Kind of like Netflix. When I view a show and the related episodes, I see the oldest first and the newest last.
I second this request. When I go to the episode list, it always highlights the newest episode. I then have to scroll all the way over to the right to figure out where I want to catch up. Please have an option to list from oldest to newest (left to right).
You can re-order. On the web ui go to Recordings, Shows, Up Next…tap on the individual Show icon, More, Gear symbol…change “Watch” order listed.
That is not what I meant. I mean if you go to the Apple TV app -> recordings -> pick a show -> more episodes, the listing always shows latest show on the left. I want the option to have the earliest show on the left.
This is the main reason right here as to why I do not use the Channels DVR app as my main viewing hub. I use Plex or Infuse. If on the Apple TV the episode list for the shows was oldest -> newest in episode order, I would wholly switch to having Channels DVR app as my main app. If this has been implemented since this posting, can someone explain how to accomplish this? If it has not been implemented, please reconsider this as it should be the default.
Sadly, this has not been implemented. Such a simple tweak too, at least in my mind.
Has this feature been added? If not, I would like to see this implemented in an upcoming release.
I ran into this issue when importing media. Imported shows should show in chronological order, because I haven't watched any yet and I want to binge through them. It should also jump to the most recently watched episode in the list so I can easily find my place. You can change the watch order, but it doesn't affect the display order.
This needs some attention with regard to importing media.
I am still trying to figure it out, and wondering why 99.99% of all apps list oldest to newest and why they decided to go backward is by me. Now if you are all caught up and on the edge of your seat week to week waiting for your show, then I can understand this order. but if you Binge watching something you have pre-recorded it is just backward. I was changing the order and it does what you want in the Web Browser I can see the order flip back and forth, but in the App on the TV it does not. if you ignore the order and just click 'Watch" it will play the show in order your expected.
Settings > Library > Airing Order > Oldest First
This setting has been here for years. Set it to that to show in chronological order.
Channels began its life mainly as a DVR, and many fans still only use it that way. Showing newest first is more expected.
Set this setting, and you’ll have exactly what you want.
Something with v2024.08.08.0632 all the sudden changed my sort order. I have my library set to "Recently Updated" and now instead of showing the most recent updated on top, it is on the bottom (and the oldest updated is on top).
Reverting the DVR server and DB to v2024.07.31.1909 put it back the correct way