Rounded corners in EPG

Most of the Channels interface has rounded corners which I think looks great, except for the epg.

I think if those corners were rounded it would look a lot nicer personally.

Scribbled out the corners of a couple of the bricks to see how it looked and although it’s not a huge change think it looks great (apart from the shoddy freehand on my phone).

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Yes!!!! This sort of detail is huge to improving the “pro” look & feel.


Saw Emby just updated their Apple TV epg with some rounded corners which looks quite nice.

Inspired me to finish my mockup - corners and spacing are a little thicker than your subtle rounded corners, feel like it would look nicer with your style.


Whaaaa?? Emby updated / did any sort of development on the Apple side of things????

Last i used Emby and reported issues with app, the main dev absolutely despised Apple ecosystem and flat out told me they do not care or will ever take development of their Apple apps seriously.