Running out of storage space - Google TV / Android

Running a cheap Hisense TV here, with Channels App installed.

I'm received a storage space issue after about 45 min of OTA streaming. TV has very few items installed (Channels, Prime, and Max along with whatever the TV came with.)

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This discussion may help, there's a solution to keep the buffer on the server instead:

More info from Channels support here: Channels Support - Streaming

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I have enabled this setting across all my devices but the app cache still frequently exceeds 4gb.

U have 2 options

  1. Plug in a USB 3. flash drive set it as device storage Move as many "apps" to that drive But NOT Channels app ...... The tv can use the drive for some cache etc
    2.0 pickup an ONN google tv after its all setup u can use it to turn on off tv stero etc all from the ONN remote

I have a Not so cheap Hisense U7 and thats what i use. Awesome pic etc BUT Onn box much faster

I'm rocking a U6 I picked up on sale last December. It works great for my kids, but trying to watch sports is pretty painful - especially hockey on Max (HBO). The processor just can't seem to handle Dolby video (or whatever the technical term is). Even with all the motion stuff turned off, it looks awful.

I might give an Onn a shot, but upgrade to the 2024 version to see if I can get a couple years out of this TV. Thanks again for responding, great ideas that I had not considered.

I'll try to report back if I can find one in stock somewhere.

I replaced a Much older Hisense with the U7 and i must say the pic has been awesome both stock tv and via Onn box and by using the Onn for volume control i dont get the dreaded volume control issue when running accessibility mode.

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