Samsung, Roku, Vizio, BumbleBee, Tubi TV

Try this link: Streams page


I just reloaded all the apsattv links. All the epgs work now. 14 sources and counting. I only watch 2 sources. IDK why im collecting them. But I gotta catch them all.

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I collect them all too, there's obviously lots of overlap and so many channels I have no interest in, but on some sources, there are 2-3 channels I do appreciate, so I disable all the rest but keep the good ones, and organize them nicely into Channel Collections.

Thanks for the nudge to get these four sources working in Channels DVR! Lots of great, free content we wouldn't be able to integrate otherwise!


Thanks for that response. I asked the question because Norton 360 blocked it claiming it is a known phishing site

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  • Phishing

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Threat Report

This is a known dangerous webpage. It is highly recommended that you do NOT visit this page.

Ignore Norton, @matthuisman owns the website. It isn't dangerous nor is it phishing anything.


Better yet, upload URLs or files here for an array of malware engines to dissect:

It says the site is clean, btw.