Samsung, Roku, Vizio, BumbleBee, Tubi TV

The Apsattv service community has provided some compiled playlists for integration. As far as I can see they are all legitimate free broadcasts from around the world. Some may be region blocked and duplicate with existing providers so ymmv
There is also no EPG integrations


Thanks for posting that link. You actually can import the Samsung streams and EPG at this point with the set up below using information at that site. You have to edit every channel to associate the EPG. The only downside is that naming convention doesn't work well so when you record a show from the Samsung streams, they show up as individual folders for every episode. You can fix that by re-naming each episode in the Channels format, then import them. It's pretty close to working though.


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The Plex guide posted there works too, you just have to find the plex M3u8 files in M3U form. There are some posted around, I just haven't found a complete m3u with all of the Plex channels, but I have some.


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Thankks AtoZ0to9. You can get an entire M3U of the Plex channels. At your link you can download the m3u8 playlist and convert it to M3U using VLC. I converted it, then cleaned up the M3U (not sure it's allowed to post it here), as there were some non compatable listings at the top. I also selected "replace all" #EXTINF:0 and changed them to #EXTINF-1, as that's how all of my other M3U files are set up. So the top of my M3U list has the usual #EXTM3U, and then all the channels starting with the AFV channel have the usual #EXTINF-1, and I get 183 Plex channels with my new M3U. I then connected it to the Plex guide at the Apsattv site above, and manually assign the proper channel from the guide which also gets me the channel art. However, the Plex guide XML, which USED to work has stopped working in Channels, I don't know if that's an issue with the guide or Channels. As you can see above I used to get the guide data to load but now none of it actually comes in now, even though I can associate the channels correctly and get the logos. However, since this is all unsupported, I don't expect a fix until maybe I find one. The Samsung guide still loads though.


Plex guide works today. The benefit of the guide it loads 2.5 days into the future, unlike Samsung and Pluto. The downside is that recordings don't go into the Channels folders correctly, you have to manually move and rename them as the naming convention doesn't mention channels. And don't expect this to be dependable as it's not supported, but it's working today.

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What link do I use for the XMLTV Guide Data?

For Samsung I see the link for the XMLTV Guide Data.However I do not see XML links for the others?

Or do I just leave this info blank XMLTV area blank?

Only one I tried so far is the SAMSUNG since it had both M3U link and XML link. Its working correctly. . . .I think.


Nope. Im getting the channels on samsung. However I am not getting guide. So I can tune to them. But thats it.


Looks like the guide for Samsung has changed to (Replacing the "us" with "all"). Once you pull the schedule in for the first time, you have to go through the manual process of assigning each station that you want to the channel. Use the "pen" to the write to find the channel log and assign them. While you can set Channels to grab the EPG every three hours, I usually have to pull it manually. Plex is better as that guide goes out a lot farther. I end up doing a lot of manual pulls though, just to keep the EPG going on these unsupported services. Credit needs to go to and All legit open sources, not illegal IPTV crap.

More guides are here: I just bought him a bunch of "coffees". He lists and credits Matt for his guides. It's another site M3U lists to legal sources. There is no Roku Channels guide yet that I'm aware of, Or Vzio though.

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I will look into those links. Thank you. I look forward to getting more stuff working.

So far I got so much content
Playon Cloud
Philo (cheapest stream)
PLUTU (TY to whoever made docket)
Stirring (TY to whoever made docker)
Plex (got that from this thread)

I'll make another attempt at Samsung TV and Plex TV tomorrow. It's holiday weekend, I'm very (Redacted green substance).

Ty for the replies.

Edit: Anyone know how to get TNT on Chsnnels free/legal????. I need it for Snow Piercer (if it comes back)

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Does the Plex Guide still work for you? I tried both and and neither are loading EPG data.


Same issue here. I think we need to buy Matt a coffee. The Plex folder stopped updating on 9/16. This has happened before though and then got fixed.


It's updated as of today 9-23-2021 and working


Thank you!

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sorry if this is a dumb question. But does anyone know who owns ? Since that is the site hosting the m3u file.

I'm just curious because of security questions involved. I'll note that the folks who own StirrTV (Sinclair) were recently the victims of a massive ransomware attack and their regular broadcasts were down for several days. I've not heard anything about whether that impacted Stirr users (since we're downloading these m3u files) or put any of the iptv users at risk.

thanks for feedback.

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Refering to the sources using the short extension. All the m3u links work in channels. However none of the epg links work.

I then decoded the abreviated links and attempted to use non-abreviated links. M3u works but epg won't load.

So the effected streams are

If I click the epg links. It downloads the corresponding xml file. I tried loading these into a random iptv player. The epg links worked (mostly).

Anyone have any work arounds? I don't even want those channels. But someone DM me today asking all what legal m3u sources I use/know. So I went through testing all the ones I had bookmarked before sending. Relized these don't work.

To answer your question. The website is maintained by @matthuisman. They are legit and safe.

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Fixed in prerelease


Thank you. Yall are great.

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