Samsung TV Plus for Channels [retired]

I wonder if there is a timing issue, between when the docker refreshes its playlist, and when Channels Server pings for an update, which is every 24hrs.

Guide data is fine, and that is set in Channels to refresh every 1hr.

How do I set Channels server to refresh the Playlist URL sooner than Daily, that is the lowest option. I would like to set it for every 12hrs.

Normally no need to refresh the playlist any sooner. The playlist should only change when channels get added, removed or renamed.

Sounds like an issue with the docker playlist source, check the docker container log (the timestamps are UTC time).

How do that?

The Maddock PLuto for Channels docker web page u load to see the playlist urls states when it was last updated, but this one for Samsung by matthuisman does not.

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He hasn't updated the docker container image.

You can check docker container logs easily if you use portainer. Otherwise you have to use the docker manager on the machine you run it from or use the docker command line.

Pretty sure the issue was that the master m3u8 url for each channel in the playlist just recently changed.

I googled it and came across this code to export to txt

docker logs --since=12h samsung-tvplus-for-channels > /mnt/dietpi_userdata/downloads/logs.txt

However, the txt file it produces is empty

My other server, still works fine and did not have this issue. Though I added the new docker url to it a few hours later than i did my main server. Hence why I am pretty sure the Docker updated after my main server pinged for an update. Thus main server was out of date.

I still want to set update interval to be 12hrs. Is that possible?

The problem was he changed the master m3u8 urls for the channels in the playlist.

You have to run a curl command to do it. Just add it to a cron/scheduler job to run every 12hrs.

I figured that, but do not know what it would be. Is there documentation on all the curl commands and things u can set in Channels with it that I could reference?
I recall, probably you, that posted the curl command to change the Recording padding to 2 min, since that is was not an option in the Admin Ui.

No. You would have to search the forum.

What did you name the Source?
Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 19-39-07 Channels Settings
and I'll tell you the command to use

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Samsung Docker is what i named it in Channels DVR server.

That would be great! If it happens again, and i get 404, i want to change the server refresh to 12hrs.

ah. part of the "Un-documented" aspect of Channels i surmise.

Is that the name that appears in your sources, with a space in it?

Yes... is that a problem?

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Use this, replacing with the IP:Port of your DVR Server
curl -s -XPOST

You can verify in the DVR log that it refreshes the lineup when that curl command is used.
[M3U] Refreshed lineup for SamsungDocker

If you want to discover these commands on your own, use your browser network inspector tool to see what commands are sent to the server.

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Thanks all. Especially @chDVRuser and @matthuisman for helping and for keeping up on supporting things like this.
It is truly appreciated.
Hopefully, these things stay working and stable for the foreseeable future.
It been a bit stressful when i got family members who blame me when their tv show/channel no work :face_with_spiral_eyes:


imagine if that family was 1000's of users....

Yea.. and so starts the panicky new threads posts here when some user sees 0 channels all of a sudden, or there recordings are all failing.

Hey @matthuisman, you're making the news now!

FYI, since I've been using your Samsung Docker all along, I literally didn't notice anything!

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docker-compose for every Channels-related extension post now updated to include TZ as shown above.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Samsung and Pluto dockers on Synology

please update to latest docker image as it moves to using the .xml.gz (instead of .xml)
Ill soon stop hosting the non .gz due to size.
Channels supports .gz so should be fine and faster for everyone to download!


How do you update? Not sure what version i am using... I just installed Portainer, but am a bit lost... not seeing a Update button... I also not seeing where it says what version number it is... just created date 8-21.

Edit: Googling, seems to have found the process of Stop image, Re-create button, Re-pull image option, re-create.

EDIT2: That did it! See the Guide url has changed. now is .gz like he mentioned.
Also, now there is 362 channels, vs 356. Wonder what was added...

EDIT3: These are the channels that were added, after i updated the docker image.
1003 Biography: The Icons
2334 FOX Sports
3810 Historia
3822 beIN Sports XTRA ñ
3905 Novelas Turcas
3907 ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?