Samsung TV Plus for Channels [retired]

Yes the local news channels and WeatherNation are regionalized on Samsung TV Plus, so the m3u playlists from only have what is local to the IP address he used to generate them.

@kyl416 Thank You

By default, the service will retrieve data for us region.

I am on the East Coast of the USA

region codes is broken

My IP Address is location of Virginia, but I get California (West Coast) News, not East coast.

I will try my actual Samsung TV to see what I see there.

There is no file on his website
Are you thinking ?

I did find a link here GitHub - matthuisman/samsung-tvplus-for-channels: Samsung TV Plus for Channels to the file you mentioned. Appears it was removed from his website. Regions are the two letter country codes as seen in and the first two letters of the filenames at Index of /SamsungTVPlus/

There is nothing to break down the U.S. into time zone, state or city.

@chDVRuser - correct I was using the link on the github.

OK so it is just broken. I am in no way on the West cost and 'local' is streaming bay area (San Francisco) news.

So, it's like kyl416 says. Matt is probably pulling them from Samsung using a server located (or geo-located) in San Francisco (or thereabout).

This is no longer true. @matthuisman made an update to the Docker specific for Channels:

I can confirm this. Here is what the number of stations looked like before and after the update:

JP_ScreenShot_2024_04_18_08_01_30 JP_ScreenShot_2024_04_18_08_01_41

You can see the specific code on the git:


I highly recommend using the Docker method now, unless you want to manually manage the DRM stations yourself.

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Let me try to explain.

The playlists at already do not contain the widevine channels.

My kodi addon in theory can support Widevine channels and also want quick access to a short EPG overview. So I generate app.json with everything it needs to use:

I recently allowed that file to contain the widevine channels so I can try get them working in Kodi.
Currently they dont - so Kodi addon was updated to ignore them for now.
All WV channels will have a "license_url" key

However, I forgot this docker container also uses the app.json to generate its playlist.
Its just easier to parse than downloading and modifing the existing playlists.
And it contains every region etc.
Just easier to use that.

So, for a few weeks - the docker container was outputting this widevine channels that just wont work in Channels. I fixed this by skipping them in the docker container.

The end product should basically be the same between docker container or direct playlists.
The docker container does allow filtering channels etc though

Oh actually, the Widevine channels are showing in the playlists. What the heck...
They shouldnt be. Let me fix that. Sorry!


That's not what I'm seeing, though. If I look at the "all" or the "us" m3u8's on, I can see the Widevine channels. For instance, PBS Kids and Movie Hub are right there.


The changes you made to the Docker definitely filter them out.

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that was my bad. I was talking rubbish!
The common method to generate playlist does ignore widevine channels but found samsung script wasnt telling it these were wv channels.

Fixed now :stuck_out_tongue:


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The link on the docker git doesn't go to the region code site anymore I'm looking for the region code for the UK, I imagine it will be either uk or gb.

Any ideas?

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I would expect gb since there is no uk country code here

Also, his github page tells you If you want to use a specific region, you can manually set REGION environment variable to something like gb.

And then his code shows it fetching the EPG from


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Just noticed

blank data for Samsung channels now. The Channels DVR server:
2024/05/21 03:36:53.935788 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-Samsung in 335ms
2024/05/21 03:36:54.049041 [DVR] Indexed 3 airings into XMLTV-Samsung (19 channels over 2h47m0s) + 178 skipped [65ms index]

xml says on the url 21-May-2024 14:09 last update
( do not recall what time zone the source url time stamp is)

Still no guide data, 5hrs later. Guess its a source issue.

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You are not the only one. No guide data here.

@matthuisman Is there an issue with guide data on your end?

Check now? I seem to have the usual few hours. Haven't gone back in the logs to check to see if there was some issue earlier, but my guess is an invalid character of some kind.

Working now. Seeing all the guide entries.

yea got some entries now

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