Samsung TV Plus for Channels [retired]

Thanks all. Especially @chDVRuser and @matthuisman for helping and for keeping up on supporting things like this.
It is truly appreciated.
Hopefully, these things stay working and stable for the foreseeable future.
It been a bit stressful when i got family members who blame me when their tv show/channel no work :face_with_spiral_eyes:


imagine if that family was 1000's of users....

Yea.. and so starts the panicky new threads posts here when some user sees 0 channels all of a sudden, or there recordings are all failing.

Hey @matthuisman, you're making the news now!

FYI, since I've been using your Samsung Docker all along, I literally didn't notice anything!

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docker-compose for every Channels-related extension post now updated to include TZ as shown above.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Samsung and Pluto dockers on Synology

please update to latest docker image as it moves to using the .xml.gz (instead of .xml)
Ill soon stop hosting the non .gz due to size.
Channels supports .gz so should be fine and faster for everyone to download!


How do you update? Not sure what version i am using... I just installed Portainer, but am a bit lost... not seeing a Update button... I also not seeing where it says what version number it is... just created date 8-21.

Edit: Googling, seems to have found the process of Stop image, Re-create button, Re-pull image option, re-create.

EDIT2: That did it! See the Guide url has changed. now is .gz like he mentioned.
Also, now there is 362 channels, vs 356. Wonder what was added...

EDIT3: These are the channels that were added, after i updated the docker image.
1003 Biography: The Icons
2334 FOX Sports
3810 Historia
3822 beIN Sports XTRA ñ
3905 Novelas Turcas
3907 ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?

Answered your question over here so we don't take this topic too far off-track.

I don't see how to update as off track... but, anyways, as i posted via edit of my post, the simple way of just Stopping container, and Re-create and re-pull feature, results in updated container.
(also, i didn't realize that other thread was titled for Synology, I not using that, but assume the process using Protainer is the same. )

now that the playlists are gone and the container has become the "only way" and actually required now, I'll do a proper blog post with instructions a proper release thread here on channels and get it pinned :slight_smile:


That's a docker container thing. Not a Samsung TV Plus thing.
Most users (including me) don't want to wade thru a 1,000+ post thread that gets off-topic.
In fact, most users just come asking for a quick answer because they don't want to read the topic posts.

But, it is needed knowledge to get Samsung TV Plus to work in channels now... and to update it when changes are made. Thus, it is very relevant to this thread, as many do not know how to use Docker or are just leaning. And it helps very much to have the info all in one place.

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Yea... a new thread for Samsung TV Plus for Channels may be good idea;. As this one, not really valid anymore since it all chat on the urls and things now gone.

Once you get a new thread made for the docker way to do this, then maybe best to have this one locked.

If it were my Topic I started, I would keep all the updated info in the first post.
And either lock it, so only I could update it, or just let it be a conversation about the topic.
But the topic isn't about what is docker or how to update a docker image.
Example: What is a docker container

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ill do a page similiar to Frndly TV for Channels which has update instructions etc on it :slight_smile:


I have a question regarding the Samsung Plus TV docker. I saw that there is a REGION variable. I also saw that there is an "all" region. However, if I wanted to only select certain regions, can I put multiple regions for the REGION variable (only the regions I am interested in), for example separated by a comma?

Also is there a list somewhere of all of the available regions?

I was looking at this yesterday. Regions are at, ca, ch, de, es, fr, gb, in, it, kr, us.

You cant currently specify multiple regions. It's either all or one of the above.

The Python script can be altered. I may have a crack at it this weekend unless @matthuisman already has plans for it?

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Oh yup, pretty easy. Just take in comma separated list and then use the all epg. I'll see if I can get something out tonight :slight_smile:

Nice! Thank you.