Samsung TV Plus for Channels

Cloudflare continuing to have issues and no responses to my posts..
So for now, I have moved the .json.gz's to Github and redirect to them.

Just pushed a new docker container that

  1. uses the .json.gz for app data
  2. caches the json and epg data for 5mins
  3. redid the status page to show the playlist and epg urls for each region
    if you just use a single region, you can use the epg.xml?regions=us and it will download just the
    smaller us only xml. If you specify no region or more than one - itll just use the all xml.

So far seems much snappier. Also, really appreciate the limited xml guide!


Thanks Matt. Looking good so far.


Thanks for fixing the docker.
Looks good so far here.

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Thank you, Matt! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is this "broken" meaning there is no Guide data? I get the channels but no data in the guide.

I see the guide data is stale. Generated 13 hours ago.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd"><tv generator-info-name="" generated-ts="1731997933">

generated-ts="1731997933" is Tuesday, November 19, 2024 6:32:13 AM UTC

Same with the us.xml file at
Appears the regional xml's are generating, except for kr, us and all.

those missing regions and all should be back now and the serer-side code bug that caused it fixed :slight_smile:
(no updates to docker / client required)


I am not seeing guide data this morning.


tried redownload guide nothing

Need to ping @matthuisman when this happens. :wink:

server ran out of space. have added some more :slight_smile:
should be back now

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Thanks for making this available, Matt. I only use Pluto and Samsung now. Are there any other free sources or docker images available now? Like Sling free channels? I used to have ESPN+ subscription, but that was a racket - very limited access to live games.

Start here:

Continue here:

Finish here:


Babsonnexus' links above are great resources. In addition to the FAST channels integrated from Pluto and Samsung, I'm enjoying more from Plex, Tubi, DistroTV and Roku.

And his excellent Streaming Library Manager tool helps manage and organize them neatly!

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Anyone know a solution for fixing Samsung guide issues? Mine is not updating on Samsung. Using the "epg.xml.gz?regions=us" regional ending on my link.

make sure to have it refresh every hour
samsung provides only about 6 hours of epg.

Yeah...and try to map as many channels as you can to gracenote too because samsung's api can be moody

You will find, even for the same channel, that sometimes Samsung guide data is better and sometimes Gracenote guide data is better, depending on the show.

For a specific channel, I have setup two sources. One using Gracenote, the other Samsung. So separate channel numbers. My show passes will record whichever has the best guide data, using the appropriate channel number.

That's just for one channel. I couldn't imagine doing it for all of them (not that I watch or record all of the Samsung channels anyway).

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This is very interesting. How does a pass pick the best guide data? What condition is used in the pass to accomplish this? :thinking: