Saved automated searches

I found a similar request from 2019 so figured it's time to resurface as a new request. Idea is to save a search and have Channels run the search in the background on a regular basis ( every X days, every week, when guide is updated, whatever makes the most sense) and notify me when there's a hit. Example; I want to record "Strange Brew" for my collection but have no idea when it will air next. It would be great to save it as a search term and get alerted when it pops up in the guide. Even better; tell it to schedule it for recording when I save the search.

How about a pass that matches "movie" and "title = Strange Brew"? That way it will check at every guide update.

You can just make an advanced pass with the title to have it automatically record when it shows up.

Brilliant! I had no idea that functionality exists, but should have figured. Channels continues to amaze and delight!

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